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The way he said our made my stomach spin with butterflies.

We kept making our rounds around the artwork, checking to see if our bids were still winning, until I noticed people were starting to throw sheets over all the different pieces of art. “Why are they doing that? Is the auction over?” I asked.

He grinned. “I suppose this means it’s almost time.”

Excitement bubbled up inside of me as I shook his arm in anticipation. “Time for what?”

“The sheets are placed there to protect the art pieces from getting color all over them.”

I gave him a confused look, not understanding what he meant.

He grabbed my hand. “Come on. You’ll see soon enough.”

I let him lead me to the center of the square as other Vespens did the same. The same band that played music for the Lantern Festival was set up at the far side of the square. Music started to play and the crowd of Vespens began to cheer as more and more of them joined us. Hundreds had gathered, jumping for joy and looking as if they were positioning themselves to get into a formation.

You know the drill, Bennett said through the connection, his eyes never leaving mine. Let the Eadem Anima bond lead you through the dance.

I gave him the biggest smile, knowing we were going to be dancing. I loved to dance, and if this was anything like the Lantern Festival, then I knew I was about to enjoy every second of it.

A girl next to me tossed me a small pouch and I was so caught off guard I almost dropped it. It felt like it was filled with flour.

“Oh, this isn’t mine,” I said to the girl, thinking perhaps she thought I was someone else.

She just laughed, and that’s when I realized she was handing the small bags out to everyone.

“What is this?” I yelled to Bennett, letting my voice carry over the music.

“You’ll see.” He winked, and then the dancing began.

The music picked up pace and I allowed the bond to guide me through the dance. Letting my worries and cares leave my body as I became one with the music. I stomped and slid and spun and swayed to the rhythm of the music. Bennett picked me up, holding me in the air, then placing me down as I switched to a new partner.

I linked arms with an older gentleman who seemed oddly familiar. We spun around each other over and over again until he lowered his head. “Your Majesty.” Then it clicked that I had seen him before. This man had said that same exact thing to me at Pater’s birthday party months ago.

“I’ve met you before!” I said to the man. “At Pater’s party. We danced together. Do you remember that? Why were you—?”

He just gave me a wink and a smile before sliding out of my grasp and changing partners. My head spun with confusion as another Vespen linked arms with me. Is it possible that he knew of my power as the Regina Victoria before my Shadow blood was released? Or was that just a coincidence? I would need to find him after the festival and ask him my questions. It was just too odd to simply be a coincidence.

I spun out of my partner’s grasp and found my way back to Bennett. The music got softer and the dancers began to crouch low to the floor. I followed them, lowering myself into a crouching position.

What’s happening? Why are we crouching like this? I asked Bennett.

Untie your bag and look inside, he said, his eyes dazzling with amusement. The same kind of look you give your best friend when they decide to read your favorite book.

I did as he said and saw what I assumed was flour, but it was orange, as if it had been mixed with zest from the fruit.

Bennett looked eager and excited, and he opened his pouch as well. When the music picks up again, you’re going to throw your powder into the air, but be careful to only throw half of it, because there is another color toss towards the end of the song. As soon as you throw, you’re going to want to duck your head at first or you might choke on powder.

My heart pounded in anticipation. Where do I throw it?

The music finally picked up and Bennett smiled right at me. Up.

On instinct I jumped up and threw my colored powder into the air along with the hundreds of others who did the same. I quickly ducked my head as Bennett instructed for a few seconds, missing most of the heavy powder downfall, then lifted my head until practically just dust was left.

It was beautiful. Every color imaginable floated through the air, as if the wind had its own color palette. Yellows, blues, greens, and oranges decorated the sky, and I wished someone could paint this moment so I could look at it forever. The colored dust was thick, and I couldn’t really see in front of me. I looked around to try and find Bennett until a familiar hand found mine. Bennett had colored powder all over his face and dusted in his hair. I threw my arms around him and pulled him in to kiss me. He tasted like flour, and I smiled against his lips.

Ready for more? he asked as he pulled away, his eyes dancing with thrill.

