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“They did.” I shrugged, dismissing his aggressive tone.

He was no longer leaning against the counter and was now standing in front of me.

“So, they saw you, then? Naked?”

His navy eyes were like a tsunami, his intense stare drowning me. I suddenly felt very small on the counter.

I didn’t let it show as I said, “Why do you care?” I lifted my chin, meeting his eyes.

Suddenly his hands were on the counter, one on either side of my hips. I felt like I was in a small cage, with his body so close to mine. He smelled like just a touch of that musky scent of aged paper and vanilla. A comforting smell that reminded me of the days where I drank almond cocoa in the royal library.

My heart tripled in speed, and he leaned in, so his face was leveled with mine. “I don’t care,” he said. “But I also don’t like it.”

“You don’t like the thought of me naked?”

“Not with other eyes upon you,” he snapped back quickly.

“Please,” I scoffed. “The lake is pitch black, no one can even see anything.” I wasn’t sure why I felt the sudden need to defend myself.

“You don’t know that,” he said, shaking his head. Strands of his black curly hair fell into his eyes.

“And I suppose you do?”

His grip on the counter tightened as he clenched his jaw. He stayed there for a moment, as if wanting to say something, but he stopped himself.

“I guess my time away from home made me forget how stupid you are,” he finally said.

That struck a chord deep in me, considering our pasts. Because I grew up in the circus, I never had proper schooling to learn how to read and write or do math. It was often Bennett who sat in the library with me, patiently helping me spell out words.

“And I guess your time away made me realize I liked it better here without you.” I then added, “And I’m not stupid.”

“You’re right, my bad. You’re just reckless.” He inched closer. “Immature.” And closer. “And naive.”

I was practically breathing his air we were so close.

“At least I know how to have fun.”

He smirked, his lips merely inches from my face. “By walking around like you have a stick up your ass?”

“Only since you’ve arrived,” I pointed out. “Plus, I have friends.”

“Am I not your friend?” He frowned slightly. Mockingly.

Now I was the one laughing. “Not even close.”

His devilish smirk appeared once more. “I hope you realize that once I become King, your precious little friends will be loyal to me, and so will you. All of you will be at my beck and call.”

“I'll move to Vicinus before I ever take an order from you.”

“I can order you back, make my uncle send you here, keep you locked up, make you one of my servants. Rhiannon, I think you soon want to befriend me; I have more power than you realize.”

He was right. Stars, he was right. I never realized until now the truth of that statement. When Pater steps down from the throne I won’t be protected like I am now. Bennett would become the king, and even with my Golden blood, being raised as the assassin, and all of the training I’ve received, I’d be powerless. And I hated that feeling. I hated having no control over my life and choices. I was already limited with my position as the assassin, but with Bennett as King, I might as well just say goodbye to every good thing in my life.

Would Pater tell Bennett that I was the assassin? Would I continue to be one when Bennett stepped into power? Those questions added to the fear that always dwelled within me.

“What is the point of befriending you if you already hate me?” I asked dryly.

He thought for a second and then grinned. “Hmm, I guess you’re right, there is no point, and I do hate you. Consider me doing you a favor then, giving you a taste into what your future will look like.”

“I’ll pass on accepting any favors from you.” I shoved his chest, and he stumbled a little bit.

“Well, can I ask one of you?” he asked while I was already making my way to the kitchen door.

I ignored him but he said, “Try not to pride yourself around my brother. I don’t want him to end up infatuated with a child.”

I only let that sting for a little while before I bit back with, “Oh, I didn’t mention?” I batted by eyes, trying to be the picture of innocence. “Your brother was naked, too.”

Bennett began to raise his voice. “My brother was wh—?”

I slammed the kitchen door without another word and walked back to my room with my chin slightly raised, knowing that this time, I got the last word.
