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It had been about a month since my last assignment. I made my way to Pater’s office as I passed busy servants carrying decorations of silver and gold, hand-sewn dresses for the different ladies of the court, and bouquets of every flower imaginable for Pater’s birthday celebration tomorrow night.

There was always a celebration happening in the palace, my favorite always being the annual masquerade ball held every winter solstice. People were already designing their masks and gowns for the event, even though it was still a couple months away.

Knock, knock, knock.

“Come in.”

I opened the door and immediately sat in my favorite velvet settee.

“Happy Birthday Eve!”

Pater chuckled, but tiredness shadowed his eyes. “Thank you, Rhia.”

He was sitting behind his desk, looking out the window. His shoulders were slouched, and his back was bent in his chair.

“Is everything all right?”

He sighed heavily and rubbed his eyes. “More and more of my spies have come to me, mentioning the rumors they have heard of the one they call Skull King.”

I shuddered at the name.

“I was hoping to put this off until after the ball tomorrow, but I’m afraid I have an assignment that needs to be completed tonight. I have heard that there will be a possible Red Bones gathering at The Rowan and Ivy.”

The Rowan and Ivy was an inn located on the northernmost tip of Veladis, right before the Silver Forest, which was the middle ground between Veladis and Vicinus. If someone wished to get to and from either kingdom, they would either need to pass through the Silver Forest or take a ship from harbor to harbor across the coast. No one traveled through the Silver Forest though, unless they wished to go unseen. The forest was dangerous, home to unexplainable and sometimes dangerous creatures. It was almost a kingdom of its own, one that ruled the creatures who dwelled in it and did not appreciate trespassers.

I had only passed through the forest once—when I was in the circus. Saeva brought all of his performers on one of the ships that took passengers weekly to and from the two kingdoms. Saeva wanted a new set of customers for our show since business was becoming slow in Veladis. From what I remembered of Vicinus, it was absolutely beautiful, with blankets of snow covering the homes and castle. It was the only time I ever saw the fluffy white crystals, since my home was warm and sunny year-round. We were only there for a couple weeks before Saeva got caught in a large gambling debt that he couldn’t pay off. He had us all packed up and ready to travel back to Veladis through the Silver Forest the night his money was due.

The trek across took two days, and the nights were unbearably cold. I remembered seeing my father in the woods and running to him, tears of joy streaming down my face because my father had come back to me. Right before my arms wrapped around him, I looked up to his face and black eyes were staring back at me. It was an Inferus that I mistook as my father. A soulless creature whose body was merely made up of what appeared to be dark mist. When an Inferus looks upon you, it can take on the appearance of one of the people you love, luring you in to then feed on your soul. Saeva got to me before the inevitable happened, waving a torch at the being to make it flee. With fire being the one thing that could kill an Inferus, one would think to always have torches lit, but fire could also attract the attention of other creatures lurking in the woods. We made it back to Veladis without encountering any other creatures of the forest, but since that journey I’d never had any desire to travel through it again.

Shaking the memory from my mind, I continued to listen to the assignment at hand.

“With the castle busy preparing for my birthday tomorrow, it would be unlikely for anyone to see you slip in and out of the castle tonight. I had your handmaiden drop off a bag in your quarters. Within it you will find new commoner clothes with pants that can easily hide your dagger as well. I also packed a bonnet to help hid your face, so you can shield your eyes.”

“I will wear my cloak.” I hated bonnets. They looked stupid and made me feel immature.

“I need you to play pretend tonight, like you do best. I also gave you some silver coins to purchase a room at the inn. You don’t need to stay the night there, but I don’t want you to look suspicious, either. Register under a different name and continue to use that one for the rest of the night. Eat at the pub, sit at the bar, do what you need to do to get some information, especially on the Skull King.”

I nodded, soaking in all the aspects of my mission tonight.

“I’ll have a carriage drop you off halfway to The Rowan and Ivy to help you save some energy, but you will have to walk the rest of the way there and back.”

Apology laced his eyes. Since The Rowan and Ivy was on the northern side of the kingdom, it was fairly far from the castle. At the halfway point it would still probably be an hour walk.

“What time am I leaving?”

“I have the carriage set to leave from the back entrance by the kitchen at ten tonight. You will have a few hours to rest and prepare before you will need to leave.”

I stared up at the ceiling and tried to conceal the sigh that desperately wanted to escape my lips. In the moments of playing the part of assassin, it always felt exhilarating, but before putting on the mask, it was always dreadful. After all, it was always physically and mentally exhausting.

“Okay, I will be ready.”

Pater smiled softly. “I know I can always count on you.”

“I never fail,” I said proudly.

“No, you don’t.” He chuckled.
