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No way. There was absolutely no way Pater agreed to that.

The disbelief must have shown on my face as he said, “He agreed, and I was up for the challenge, looking forward to some excitement in this forsaken castle.” His words turned bitter. “My father doesn’t know the strength that I have now, but he was still selfish to allow it. To willingly allow you to get hurt. He told me to be careful and he doubted I would even learn your true identity.” The story flowed off his tongue as rain slid down his face. “I wanted to prove him wrong, and I did. That was why I fought you. Nothing more.”

“That’s it?” None of it made sense.

“It was some great entertainment, if I do say so myself.”

He began to walk away from me, but I caught his wrist to stop him. He turned towards me unflinchingly. If he had any fear that I would use my craft on him he didn’t let it show.

“Don’t tell anyone. I’m sure you remember, but word in the castle spreads faster than a plague. My identity cannot be revealed, for my friends’ safety. I will not allow the Red Bones to use them against me if they learn who I am. Not a soul can know, not even Amica or Miles. Do not use this knowledge against me.”

“Giving me orders now, Rhiannon?” he responded, a bite to his tone.

I let go of his wrist and let out a shaky breath. “Please.”

I couldn’t believe I was practically begging, but I didn’t care. My friends’ safety, as well as my own, was what mattered right now. The knowledge of who I was would get us killed by the Red Bones, especially with their numbers and hatred for us growing every day.

I looked into his navy eyes, and for the first time in many years, I was genuinely afraid.

He turned his back towards me, and my knees began to shake. He began to walk away. “Fine.” He stopped, tilting his head in my direction. “I will keep your secret, but know this, Rhiannon. You may be the King’s Favorite, but you sure as hell aren’t mine.”

I watched him walk down the alley and out of sight before I allowed my legs to crumble beneath me, my tears mixing with the rain on my face.

Two thoughts flooded my brain as I sat there on the puddled brick, begging the rain to wash away the reality of what had just happened.

One: Bennett went easy on me that day in the training room. He let me win.

Two: . . .I just failed.
