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He sure was taking a long time. I figured he would be back by now. I shrugged it off, assuming he must have been caught up in some Royal Guard or prince duties.

The doors to the grand ballroom flew open and I perked up in my seat, assuming it was Miles finally coming back. The laughter and yelps of dinner quickly became hushed, and the crowded aisles cleared, not for Miles, but for Bennett instead.

Why was I even surprised at this point? Of course, it was just my luck that the one night I wore this ridiculous dress, Bennett decided to show up for dinner for the very first time since he’d arrived. I scanned the people’s joyous faces and now saw worry replacing them. Bennett was walking purposefully straight towards me, and all I could do was brace myself for the worst. I would not lower my head, curve my shoulders in, or even avoid his gaze. No, I looked him straight on—let him see that I was not afraid of him like many others in this room.

A short female servant quickly glanced at me as she ran up to him, her head dipped, avoiding his eyes. “Your Highness, I do apologize for allowing such buffoonery. I tried to—”

Bennett raised his hand to cut her off. “You didn’t do anything, don’t lie.”

Gasps spread across the room. Knowing there was no point in arguing with the prince, she simply bowed her head and shuffled away.

He continued his walk towards me and as I stared him down, I tried to read his emotions. Was he mad? Amused? Disgusted? His eyes told no story, training I’m sure he’d received to keep from displaying his emotions as the future king.

The dining room remained quiet when he made it to the bottom of the dais. The silence was so loud it made me want to shift in my seat. I didn’t, though, not wanting him to think I was uncomfortable or even slightly affected by his presence.

He cleared his throat. “I would like to sit on my throne, Rhiannon.”

Since I was sitting in Miles’, his seat still remained open. Confused by the statement, I said, “Then go ahead, no one is stopping you.”

His eyes sharpened at the bit of sass in my tone but quickly disappeared into that blank stare. “As much as I know you would love to have me in your lap, I would rather not. Get down.”

The insinuation aggravated me and the snickers from a couple guards didn’t help, either. Why couldn’t he just sit in the other chair? I looked up to find Miles for help when it clicked. I was sitting on the right side of the throne. The right.

Oh, stars.

I actually was sitting on Bennett’s throne. Why didn’t Miles say anything? Considering this was the first time anyone had seen Bennett come to dinner, he probably assumed his brother wouldn’t be here, so I couldn’t blame him for this horrific turn of events.

I didn’t let Bennett see the realization on my face and instead chose to play this little game. If he wanted to be snarky with me, it was only fair I give it back, right?

“Anything for you, Your Highness,” I said with a devilish smirk. Bennett always hated being called that when he was younger, a constant reminder of his inevitable duty as the future king. “However, I truly was getting quite comfortable.”

“Never call me that again,” he commanded as his hands closed into fists at his side.

“What? Your Highness?” I said with a sarcastic voice. “Well, I suppose I can call you something else, or perhaps nothing at all?”

“If nothing at all means I don’t have to hear anything come out of your mouth again, then let’s go with the latter.”

I shrugged innocently. “Okay, so Bennett it is, I guess. Although, that’s a bit boring.” I threw my hands up in mock defeat. “But, as you wish.”

It didn’t dawn on me that our conversation was still happening with me seated on his throne, looking down upon him from the dais. I would never be in this position again, so I might as well savor it.

“You like it, don’t you?” he asked with a calculating look in his eyes.

I titled my head. “Your throne? Why yes, I do. It’s quite comfortable, thank you for asking.”

He took one step up the stairs of the dais. “Not the damn throne, the power you feel while sitting on it.”

I fell silent. I didn’t know how to respond to that. Did I like this feeling of power? Sitting at the front of the room with the attention on me? Control?

I knew the answer.

I began to stand up—

“Sit,” Bennett said in a voice that belonged to the future king of Veladis.

My lip curled as I glared at him. “I thought I was commanded to get down?” I said, my words all bitten off.

“I changed my mind.” He looked me straight in the eye, speaking like a true ruler. “You will sit there and think about the fact that the power you love and long for will never be yours. You will never have a title, a command, control, nothing. I am the one that can strip everything from you whenever I please. You are nothing, so stop pretending that you aren’t.”
