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The words shocked me to my core. My face flushed and I felt incredibly embarrassed in the dress now. Naked. Ashamed.

How dare I relish my time on the throne and enjoy it? Bennett was right about everything, and that only hurt more. I felt so stupid sitting on this throne, knowing that everyone just heard Bennett scold me. I wanted nothing more than to run from this ballroom, this castle, this life that was chosen for me. However, I stayed seated, despite my heart’s desires, and I fought the burning in my eyes that begged to let tears fall.

Bennett walked up the steps of the dais and gracefully sat on his father’s throne. A bold move and a statement all in one. The act showed me that Bennett was setting another reminder to his people, that he was the future of this kingdom, and it showed me that even though he was allowing me a seat on this throne, he still held all the power over me.

“Eat,” he commanded the castle.

Small conversations began to pick up as servants brought out more food, and the people began to indulge in a variety of meats and vegetables. Bennett and I continued to sit in silence, not looking at one another.

I hated him for what he just did. I hated him for making me look weak in front of my friends. I hated him for coming home after I just began to discover myself again and became content with my life. I hated him for beating me in that fight and then lying about it like he pitied me. I hated him for his power. I hated him for how he treated his brother and father. I hated him for risking Stella and her family by seeing us training. I hated him for making me feel anxious and aggravated and out of control. I hated him and I would bet on all the stars the feeling was mutual.

I wouldn’t give into it, though. He didn’t deserve a thought in my head, even if it was a spiteful one. If he wanted me to feel bad about myself, then he succeeded. I did. I would relish it tonight, but I would erase it by tomorrow. I always did.

Minutes passed that felt like centuries and I finally couldn’t take it any longer. “I think I will excuse myself for the night.”

I stood up and began walking down the dais steps and out of the ballroom. Leaving the burns on my back visible to Bennett and anyone else who dared to look.

“Rhia, stop,” Bennett called after me, not in warning, but in plea.

I kept walking, not even having a second thought that I blatantly ignored the prince and future king of Veladis in front of everyone.

I made my way back to my room and laid on my bed, not allowing myself the comfort of crying as punishment for my idiocy. Instead, I glowered on the regret of wishing I had just listened to Ancilla and never done this stupid bet. I would have given any favor to have not had my spirit crushed like that.


I slipped out of my dress as I ran a quick bath to wash up, sitting in the tub as I tried not to cringe, reminiscing on the night I just had. I put my dripping hair into a braid, then changed into my silk pajamas. It was a little chilly tonight so I pulled myself under the covers of my bed, deciding I would take the rest of the night off and read. I needed an escape from what had just happened.

I always loved to read and couldn’t stop once Bennett taught me how to. I would read any book I could get my hands on. Once, it got so bad that I was skipping lessons with Sana to read in the library, and I got banned from entering for a month as punishment.

Reading was a way to escape the troubles of today and step into a world where I could be someone else for a bit. Romance was my guilty pleasure though, and although I hated to admit it, I often found myself in the adult section more often these days.

The only bad thing about my love for reading was that I went through so many books, I often ran out of things to read. I’d reread my favorites at least five times each. One of these days I would write my own story, one that readers could fall in love with, just as I had found comfort in so many worlds, too.

I cracked the spine of the book and took out the playing card that I used as a marker as I began reading where I left off.

I was immediately immersed into the world and swooning at my fictional crush.

YAY! After three hundred pages, the two main characters finally held hands! Who doesn’t love a good slow burn?


I jumped at the loud banging, then quickly closed my book and said, “Come in!”

As much as I wanted to keep reading, I would much rather hear all about what happened on Amica’s date with Mendex.

“How did it—?”

Bennett stood in the doorway, looking no happier to see me than I was to see him. He had changed into some casual trousers and a loose shirt, looking just as handsome as he would’ve been in any suit, and it annoyed me. Embarrassment flooded my cheeks as I lay in my bed, wearing my short silk pajamas.

I quickly covered my exposed legs with the comforter and grunted, “Leave. I’m busy.”

I plopped my head back down and opened my book to where I left off.

He chuckled. “I see you’re still obsessed with reading.”

I ignored him and tried to focus on my book. I was too angry at him to talk.

“Are you seriously that childish that you’re going to ignore me?”
