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“It’s been amazing,” I said honestly. “I’ve loved every second of being here and wish I had more time to explore and learn about the city. Everyone has been very welcoming and kind to me. I hope I get the chance to come back.”

“I’m sure you will.” He smiled. “Would you like to hear the history of our people? Some old legends and stories of our nation?”

“Absolutely!” I would never pass up the opportunity to learn.

Avun went on to tell me legend after legend of Vesper. He talked about the favor of the stars and the blessings they had poured on this kingdom. He explained the history of the spell placed on Vesper and how the people were patiently waiting for their Region Victor to release them from their binds and rule them into a thriving and dominating kingdom. How the Region Victor’s destiny was to rule all three kingdoms, leading us all into a world of peace. I asked him if he thought that the legend was perhaps a myth and he immediately got defensive. He believed with everything inside of him that the stars would provide Vesper with the dual-crafted leader they needed at the time they needed him most.

As he shared more and more stories of Vespen history, a crowd began to form. Our little huddle of three turned into fifty crowded around the dancing fire, eagerly listening to the stories being shared. To make more room for others, I now sat in between Bennett’s legs, both of his arms wrapped around my waist, hugging me. His chin rested on the top of my head.

“Tell us the craziest story you’ve ever heard!” said a child sitting with her knees pulled to her chest, enthralled in the stories, just as I was.

Avun thought for a bit, scratching his beard to try and spark one from his memory.

“Well, I do have a pretty crazy one, but it is more of a prophecy than a legend, I suppose.”

Bennett began to twindle his fingers through my hair, sending goosebumps down my neck.

Avun rested his elbows on his knees, leaning forward to captivate his audience in the story. “When I was growing up as a kid, my grandfather used to always tell me that Shadow and Golden aren’t the only crafts out there. That there would be a third Artis blood come to pass sometime in our nation’s history. That this kind of Artis magic wouldn’t run through the blood of Vespens, but in the bodies of our enemies, and only our Region Victor would be able to create the balance for our world to live peacefully.”

“A third blood?” someone called.

Another chimed in, “That’s impossible!”

Avun chuckled. “You’re probably right, but there have been times where myths have become reality, where things you never believed would happen now stand right in front of you.”

“So, do you believe it, then? That there’s a third kind of Artis blood?” the little girl asked.

“I don’t know if I do or not.” Avun shrugged. “Only time will tell, I suppose.”

“I suppose it’s time for us to head back to Veladis,” Bennett announced. “As much as we’d love to stay, we need to make sure we return before sunrise. Thank you for your stories, Avun.”

I frowned a little at the thought of leaving. I was really enjoying listening to the history of the kingdom and could have sat here all night completely enthralled by the stories. Bennett stood first, giving me a hand to help me up.

“Thank you for making the journey to see us, and for bringing the beautiful Rhiannon with you,” Avun said, standing to give Bennett another big embrace. He then turned to me, gently grabbing a hold of my hand and politely kissing the top of it. I blushed at the unfamiliar kindness. Everyone around the fire began to bid their prince farewell, giving him hugs and bowing with respect. Some made their way over to me as well, but almost every time, the hugs were followed by questions, like if I was engaged to Bennett or, if I was looking forward to potentially being a princess. One even had the nerve to ask if I was expecting, which made me wonder if I was gaining a few pounds or something. Bennett assured me not to listen to them and that they were just excited because it was unusual for him to be seen with a woman alone, and he’d never brought one back to Vesper in this way before. A part of me was quite satisfied with that answer, and my inner voice wasn’t necessarily shooting down the possibilities of what Bennett’s people were assuming.
