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I heard whispers as I teetered in and out of sleep. My head throbbed and my thighs and calves ached from exhaustion.

“Do you think she’s awake?” someone asked.

“I don’t care if she’s asleep or not, I can’t wait anymore,” said another.

I peeled my eyes open slowly, the lids stuck together by sleep. Once my vision came into focus, I found Amica and Miles peeking in to see me through the door.

After the long trip back to Veladis, Bennett and I had been worn out by chasing the moon to try and be back before the sun rose. The Vespen soldiers rode with us to the edge of the Silver Forest, but once we made it back to Veladin boarder, we parted ways, bidding them farewell. When we finally made it back to the castle, Bennett walked me back to my chambers, meaning to simply drop me off at the doors. However, exhaustion overtook us as we collapsed in my bed. The sun was officially up now, so it must have only been a couple hours, at most.

Oh, my stars, Bennett’s in my bed and my friends are in my room.

My eyes shot open, and I gasped as I turned over to Bennett, only to find that he wasn’t there anymore.

Miles and Amica hurried into the room and sat on the edge of my bed.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Amica asked, putting the back of her hand to my forehead as if she was checking for a fever.

“Other than the fact that I’ve barely gotten any sleep, I would say I’m fine.” I slumped back against my pillow, pulling the sheets over my eyes to hide them from the daylight.

Silence followed and I pulled the sheet down, wondering what caused the apprehension. The two of them looked at each other, worry written on their faces.

“What is it?” I urged. They had been acting weird ever since they came in here, and I didn’t like the idea of things being kept from me.

Miles responded softly, “Rhia, you’ve been asleep for two days.”

“What?” I asked on an exhale.

“We came to check on you every few hours, but each time, you were knocked out cold,” Amica said. “Bennett told us you were sick and not to bother you, but we just couldn’t help it.”

I was up for over twenty-four hours, and with the travel and the overwhelming information of Vesper, my body must have hit its limits.

My mind wandered to Bennett. He must have told them I was sick so I could sleep. Where was he now? How was he doing?

“I almost thought you would sleep through the masquerade!” Amica chuckled.

I shot up from the bed. “That’s today?”

“No, no!” she reassured. “It’s at the end of this week, don’t worry. Our dresses and masks have already been made, so everything is good to go.”

I plopped back onto the pillow with relief. I’d been looking forward to the masquerade all year, but even after two days of sleep I still felt exhausted—and dirty—and starving.

I was suddenly aware that I was no longer in my leathers and instead was in a silk nightgown that I prayed to the stars Ancilla dressed me in and not Bennett. I could have sworn a layer of dirt coated all parts of my body and my stomach was so empty it physically hurt.

“Tell us about your trip!” Miles said. “We had no idea you were going until you and Bennett were already gone.”

Amica and I made quick eye contact that had a silent you-know-why-I-was-actually-gone-so-let’s-try-to-steer-away-from-this look.

“I’m sorry, Miles, but all the energy I have needs to be used on a hot bath and eating some much needed food,” I said, my throat very dry.

“C’mon, Rhia, we’ve waited two days to hear what’s happened! At least tell us how it was traveling with Bennett,” he said with disgust. “Why did you even go with him, anyway?”

I tried to think of a reason that could be believable and settled on, “Well, I am his assigned personal healer, so Pater requested that I go with him.”

“I thought Amica was his healer.” Miles gave us both a questioning look.

“I made her switch with me so I could be with Mendex,” Amica quickly chimed in, catching on to the story I was trying to spin.
