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It was quiet in the hallway and Daniella led her a few steps toward the meeting room before she stopped and turned to face her. “I’ll get right to the point.” No messing around where Daniella was concerned. “I know you asked us not to interfere. And not to get the police involved.”

A chill of foreboding slid down Kee’s spine. Where was this going? Whatever had Daniella done this time?

As if reading her mind, Daniella jumped in. “I know Wazza said you weren’t happy about me contacting the lawyer. But I promise you haven’t been compromised in any way.”

It wasn’t just her fear of being found by Bruno because someone had let something slip to the wrong person that irritated her. It was also that this family had done more than their fair share to help her already. She didn’t think she could ever repay them. And she hated to be indebted to anyone.

Daniella went on without waiting for a reply, “But I didn’t want you to leave tomorrow without at least having information that might keep you…safe.”

Kee ground her teeth together. And it seemed Daniella was doing it again. Making her more beholden to her than ever.

Daniella continued, oblivious to Kee’s growing agitation. “So, I got Aaron to use his contacts—he used to be in the protection agency business—to ask a private detective mate of his to do some digging. Strictly on the down-low, though. I made sure he didn’t go through the police to get any of his information.” Daniella said this all so seriously that Kee suddenly had to suppress a giggle. Strictly on the down-low? Did Daniella realize how cliched and straight out of a B-grade movie she sounded? And just like that, her mood lifted. Daniella was only trying to help, and perhaps Kee should stop being so doubtful. Like Wazza kept telling her, perhaps she needed to trust a little more. If Daniella could give her some vital information, then why would she argue?

“Okay,” Kee answered slowly. “What did he find? This detective guy of yours?”

“Not a lot, I’m afraid,” Daniella replied in a clipped tone, as if she were displeased that the poor guy hadn’t been able to find out more. “You were right, the Queensland police do have an arrest warrant out for you and Benni. They’re saying you kidnapped a child, which is quite serious, I’m afraid.” Daniella tapped her lip thoughtfully.

“Oh, God,” Kee said quietly. Her heart lurched in her chest. It was one thing to suspect the police were looking for her, but the reality of the fact that her face might appear on every police station wall made her shudder with fear.

“I know. It’s not the best news.” Daniella touched Kee’s shoulder lightly, her version of a soothing contact. “But you made the right decision to stay away from the cops. Poor Nash, he’s going to be upset when he finds out what we were doing behind his back. And rightfully so,” Daniella said the last part almost as if to herself. Kee hadn’t met Nash, but Wazza had called him a stand-up guy. “Skylar has just warned me Nash will be home tomorrow afternoon, so maybe it’s a good thing you’re leaving. Skylar is worried that she might not be able to keep the truth from him once she sees him face to face, even though she has the best of intentions. And I don’t blame her. It’s very hard to lie to the man you love.” Daniella pursed her lips together, her face pinched in concern.

It shocked Kee a little, that this straitlaced woman was prepared to turn a blind eye to the fact that Kee was breaking the law, and that she—and Skylar, and the rest of her family—could also be dragged into this whole mess if they weren’t careful. But then again, you could never judge a book by its cover. Wazza had told her a little of the problems the family had encountered over the last few years, and this wasn’t the first time Daniella had stretched the boundaries of the law to suit herself, or to save her family. So perhaps she shouldn’t be so surprised.

“The rest of the detective’s information was sketchy, to say the least.” Daniella huffed out a breath. She clearly had expected more. “This brother-in-law, Bruno, the one you say is following you, he’s been a lot harder to track down. Being an ex-cop, he knows how to stay under the radar. And you’re right, he’s using his old police connections to hunt you down. But not being able to use his police informants is hamstringing our detective. He’s trying to track Bruno’s car, but it’s a hard thing to do without the proper software. He was in the town of Beaudesert a few weeks ago when you said you spotted him. And it seems he might have made it to Cairns. But that’s not been confirmed.”

Again, Kee’s heart lurched in her chest. Cairns was way too close for comfort. She and Benni had spent one night in the city and that’d been over a week ago now. They’d stayed on the outskirts of town, in a run-down trailer park, where it seemed not even the tourists liked to go. She and Benni had both badly needed a shower, and Kee was desperate to wash some clothes. She’d made sure to pay with cash, and they’d left first thing in the morning, slinking out at first light.

“Okay. That helps, thank you.” Kee’s mind began to race. Daniella’s detective hadn’t provided much that she didn’t already know. All it did was confirm her fears in her mind. Thankfully, her car would be ready tomorrow. She began to feel the weight of her responsibilities press down on her. She’d been suspended in a certain kind of limbo over the past few days, but that was now at an end. Her peaceful interval was over, it was time to get moving again. Time to take back control over her own life, if that was even possible, while running from a vicious family determined to take her precious daughter away from her.

Instead of immediately returning to the kitchen, as Kee expected, Daniella hesitated for a second. “I would invite you to join us and the guests for dinner, seeing as how it’s your last night here. But I understand your reasons for not wanting to mingle. And I admit, it’d also be breaking the adults-only rule at the resort. We don’t want to be upsetting the guests.” Daniella gave a small, wry shrug, as if to say, if it were up to her, she’d break the rule in a heartbeat, because Benni was worth it. “But how about I get Wazza to bring a meal to your cabin, instead?”

“Oh, yes, thank you. Benni would love that. She’s become quite attached to him.” Kee didn’t add how attached she also had become. It was lovely of Daniella to effectively give Wazza the night off. Most nights the staff were expected to dine with the guests, it was part of the happy country community feel Daniella liked to display. “Oh, and Daniella, I want to thank you again for all the help. For everything you’ve done for me. It’s been amazing. You’ve been amazing.” An unexpected lump formed in her throat. She was going to miss this place, and all the people who’d made their past few days seem so special.

Daniela waved a vague hand in the air. “It was nothing. I would’ve done the same for anyone.”

Kee wasn’t so sure about that.

“I just want to say that I hope…everything turns out right for you and Benni.” Daniella suddenly gathered Kee into a quick, fierce hug. Releasing her just as rapidly, so Kee was left wondering if it’d actually happened. “I know you won’t agree with me right now, but you can’t keep running forever. You have a young daughter who needs stability and care.” Daniela pierced her with her fierce, blue gaze. “There will come a time when you’ll need professional help.”

What was she saying? That the law would catch up with her, eventually. That Bruno would catch up with her, eventually. She wasn’t going to let that happen. But a tiny voice inside her head agreed with Daniella. At the moment, she was only thinking day to day, hoping to stay one step ahead. Until she could find a place to hide and come up with something more permanent.

Daniela pushed on, ignoring Kee’s shake of her head. “If…when you need help, all you need to do is ask. I have access to lawyers and other expert advisors. I’ll be here when you call.”

Kee knew Daniela meant well. She might not be the most subtle woman in the world, but her heart was in the right place. “Thank you,” she said. The words didn’t seem nearly enough. Perhaps somehow, sometime in the future, Kee would find a way to repay all this kindness. She trailed after Daniella back into the kitchen, where happy banter filled the room. Kee sidled over to where Dale was still sitting with Kee. Julie had joined them and was teaching Benni how to do a simple card trick, using Dale as the guinea pig. Benni was completely enthralled.

Wazza gestured to her, holding up a plate full of food. Her stomach rumbled as she remembered she hadn’t had a chance to try Skylar’s finger lime cake yet. She went over, accepting the plate, and leaned up against the countertop with him. She watched the interaction of the Stormcloud family—because that’s what they were, even the staff were more like family—with growing contentment. She wondered if these people truly understood what they had. A strong connection, a commitment to each other and to the resort. And then she wondered what it would be like to be a part of this.

Later that evening, Kee sat back in her chair with a sigh. “This wine is amazing.” She held up her glass and saluted Wazza, who was sitting across the table. He held up his glass in return.

“Can I go play with my toys?” Benni asked.

“Yes, my bunny.” Kee watched her daughter hop down from her chair. She really should get her ready for bed. Benni was yawning already; it’d been a big day. “We’ll get you in the shower soon, and then off to bed.”

“Can Wazza read me a story tonight?” Kee was about to say no, that Wazza had more important things to do, but then she stopped. This was the last night her daughter would spend with him. She turned to Wazza, a question in her raised eyebrow.

“Sure. You go and choose a book.”

“Yay.” Benni bounded off to the bedroom to pull out all her books. It was something Benni took very seriously. Each book had to be considered first before it was discarded. Kee had only brought a few of Benni’s books along with them, but Daniella had handed her over a bag full of kids’ books this afternoon, along with an odd assortment of other toys, saying they’d belonged to Dale and Skylar, and she’d been meaning to pass them on to someone else who needed them for ages. Benni had been over the moon with all the new stories to choose from.
