Page 44 of A Glimpse of Music

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She returned to massaging her temples. It was any wonder Calle hadn’t figured it out yet himself if both Joel and Bastien had. Perhaps it was only a matter of time. She needed to tell him before he found out another way.

Wanting to turn the conversation away from Maisy, she pulled up her sleeve to show the black curse mark growing across her arm. “I came to Attleglade to ask for a favor. I beg you to give me access to the Glades. I don’t know how else to survive this curse.”

More silence.

And then Bastien approached, his eyebrows drawn together. He leaned against the table between them, watching as the black markings pulsed across her skin. “I have no idea what that is.”

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” her father added. But when he glanced up to meet her eye, he frowned. “The Glades are known for their healing waters. They are sacred. You are a Sun Fae, Nyana. I don’t think the council will grant you access.”

“Bastien is a Sun Fae, too,” she reminded.

“Yes, but he looks like a Forest Fae, and he has lived here for most of his life.”

A shuddering breath escaped her lungs. She’d entered the forest, but she hadn’t considered not making it to the Glades in the end. “There has to be a way. Please. Are you not the chief, Father?”

He nodded. “I am. But it’s only a title, little one.”

“But you must hold some sway over the council.”

His tea sloshed over the rim of his cup once again as the tremors returned to his hands. “I broke laws. It has been an uphill battle for Bastien since we arrived here fifteen years ago. Not everyone accepts him. Or me, for that matter.”

“But I’ll make a request,” Bastien murmured, his gaze traveling over the black markings before he grinned.

Her father snorted. “Uh-huh. A request. You don’t think they’ll catch you sneaking her up there?”

Bastien chuckled, and just the sound of his carefree laugh gave her hope. “Of course, they won’t. Just look at her. She’s tiny! I could hide her up my shirt if I have to.”

She rolled her eyes. “Funny.” But then she quickly sobered as she took in the family she’d thought had abandoned her. They’d had no other choice. “I can’t risk something happening to you two. I’ll go on my own.”

“Like hell you will. You’ll never make it past the guards. There’s a reason I’m head of the patrol. I can sneak in unnoticed. Most likely.” He nodded toward Joel. “Your husband is in bad shape. He needs to go as well.”

Grumbling under his breath, her father said, “Two people? You are going to get worse than maimed.”

“Only if I get caught.”

More grumbling.

Overwhelming gratitude crashed over her like the sweetest breeze. “I can’t ask you to do this, Bastien. Not at your own expense.”

Her brother smiled. Soft. Genuine. “It has killed both of us not being able to do anything for you, Nyana. I’m not wasting this chance.”

Before she managed a reply, the girls’ laughter echoed down the stairwell as they raced down the wooden steps. They both paused at the sight of her father and Bastien. Maisy’s expression transitioned into curiosity. Eva’s into uncertainty.

Maisy tipped her head to the side as she stared at the wheelchair. “Who are you?”

Her father’s eyes misted once again as he took each girl in. Nyana answered for him. “Maisy, Eva, this is your grandfather.”

Chapter 12

Silence descended upon Attleglade forest as if a predator stalked them through the trees. Nyana and Joel both wore white cloaks to blend in with the snow, Bastien leading them across darkened paths on silent feet. Her own boots crunched against hardened snow, and she winced when the small sound seemed like clanging pots and pans in comparison.

More than once, Joel placed his hand on the small of her back to guide her or keep her steady on loose rocks. And more than once, the heat from the simple touch scorched through her cloak and burned her skin. In a particularly long, silent stretch of forest, she glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. His thin brows furrowed with immense concentration, his lips pursed together with determination.

He never strayed from her side.

He made her feel safe.

The realization warmed her insides, which only added to the scorching fever burning her beneath her skin where Liam’s curse lingered.
