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So, yeah.

I did not want to be the person to rain on their parade.

After Mom died, Dad had been in relationships.

None of them were terribly serious, though. Even I could tell that.

For him to marry someone—yeah, that meant something to him.

Something big.

At first, I thought them meeting up after all these years and getting together was kind of gross.

But, after seeing how they were with each other—hearing the warmth in my dad’s voice and watching how his face softened when he talked about Marianne—it kind of made my heart get all mushy inside.

So, yeah, they were old.

But they’d also found love.

And that was pretty cool.

Even at their age.

No, especially at their age.

I think I saw stats on it once saying that older women had a higher chance of getting struck by lightning than getting married.

I wasn’t sure if that was true or not—but in any case, good for Marianne.

I, however, wasn’t old.

And more than a few times over the last week and a half—I’d been fairly sure I’d take the lightning strike over the marriage.

Any day.

What a freaking mess I’d made.

Good grief.

I hadn’t been to morning yoga since Trey and I split up. He’d been a regular there since the beginning, so I figured it was only fair that he got to keep that.

It wasn’t fair.

Not at all.

But yoga to me was not only an exercise, it helped calm my mind and my spirit.

And to be honest, doing yoga with a bunch of people who hated me wasn’t exactly my idea of finding inner peace.

Luckily there were some great resources online.

Jillian even had some videos up.

I was in the middle of one such video when there was a knock at the door.

I knew Jillian had work to do at home tonight, so it wouldn’t be her.

And nobody else knocked on my door.
