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Well, except for one, annoying person.

I tiptoed to the door, hoping it wasn’t who I thought it was.


It was.

I slowly backed away from the door, hoping he’d give up and move on.

“I can hear you, Lexi!” he called through the door. “The floor creaks right in front of the door. Open up, I need help with something.”


I strode back to the door and swung it open. “Fine, you’ve got ten seconds. What do you—” was all I got out before he shoved the puppy into my arms.

“Oh, hi, my baby. How are you?” I asked the smooshy puppy as she licked my face.

“I need someone to babysit. Can you watch Hayley tonight?” Trey’s voice was curt and to the point.

And wow—did he look good.


He wore a white, long-sleeved shirt—with the first couple of buttons open.

It really accentuated his broad shoulders.

His dark dress pants fit him perfectly. Even though I couldn’t see his ass, I knew it would look great.

And—also yum—he smelled extra good.

He’d transferred some of his delicious, spicy cologne scent to the puppy’s fur.

Which I might have sniffed again.

“Hayley?” I asked and kissed the puppy again.

“Yeah, Hayley. After one of the best women’s hockey players of all time.”


That was a really great name. And a really great namesake.

“Unless you had something else in mind?”

I shook my head. “No, that’s a perfect name for her.”

“Good. So, I can ask Gigi to watch her, but they’ve got the kids tonight at the house.”

“Umm,” I said, suddenly feeling more than a little overwhelmed.

What the heck was I supposed to say to that?

The dog was Trey’s.

I’d bought her for him.

Yes, it sucked big hairy giant donkey balls that when I’d gotten her—I thought we’d all be one big happy family.
