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A game I’d been looking forward to. Now, I wasn’t too sure.

It wouldn’t be the first I’d played with no sleep. But I hoped I could get at least a good nap in before game time.

Our coach was easy on the team and sent us home before noon.

The girls were still icy toward me. I did my best to ignore their mean glances and whispers.

It did wear on me, though.

The whole drive back to my apartment, I felt low.

When I parked and stepped out of my car, all I wanted to do was eat and go to bed.

I strode through the courtyard as fast as I could possibly go without running.

I smiled at some of the players—male and female—who were hanging out by the pool. They either ignored me or gave me a dirty look.

Good grief.

Not ten seconds after I’d closed the door, I realized I hadn’t picked up the dog from daycare.

“Crap, crap, crap,” I said to myself and let my head fall forward. “I’m such a bad dog parent.”

Two knocks sounded behind me—making me jump.

I spun around to see Trey already inside my doorway.

He slammed the door behind him.



From the stormy expression on his face, he was ticked right off.

“What the hell is this?” He held out papers to me.

Papers that I’d had drawn up this morning.

“Ask your lawyer to explain it to you. I don’t have time right now. I have to—”

“You want a divorce based on adultery?”

I set my hand on my hip. “Yup, that’s what it says.”

He tossed the papers in the air and they floated to the floor. “Then tell me,” he stepped closer, and leaned in, “wife,” his voice was sharp and raw, “where exactly do you think my dick was? Because the last woman it was in was you.”


Freaking liar.

“That’s not my business anymore, Trey. I really don’t care where your dick has been,” I lied, but still acted like I didn’t care, “or where else it’s going to be. Sign the papers so we can get on with our lives.”

I headed to the kitchen and grabbed a pen. Then I gathered the papers from the floor—and it occurred to me I’d been cleaning up this man’s messes a lot lately.

I stood, walked to the kitchen island, and laid out the papers in order for him to sign.

“Here,” I placed the pen on the first page and pointed to the empty space, “this whole mess can be over within a minute.”
