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I refused to give all the jerks out there the satisfaction.

Jillian had a working camera in her living room—and no doubt, there were a ton of people who’d love to see me lose my shit right now.

They could all bite me.

Good grief.

This dance floor clip was taking forever.

I kept my calm though.

I think.

At least I hope the panic and turmoil running through my brain wasn’t visible on the outside.

Because inside—watching my husband dance, and touch other women was making me pretty freaking sick.

Next, I observed a couple of women undoing the buttons on his shirt. I memorized their faces in case I ever saw them again.

Up until then, my teammates had been pretty quiet. Niki said, “Oh, boy,” and a few others nodded at her.

The next clip showed Trey at my place, swearing up and down and sideways that he hadn’t screwed around on me.

“I told you I love you. I swear to God, I haven’t cheated on you,” Trey said, and I swear some of the women around me swooned.

Then it showed me telling him to get out.

I’d remembered halfway into our fight that there was a camera in the living room. So, I’d managed not to say anything about Trey’s pill problem.

Not that they’d mention it on here.

The one thing I noticed was that they were definitely portraying Trey in a better light.

And me as the young, crazy, ungrateful wife.

Incidentally, they hadn’t added any of the footage of Trey barfing on my rug.

Or him rushing down the hall to get sick.


The show’s producers had somehow managed to neglect adding in those wonderful parts.

Yeah, they were definitely making me out to be the villain.

And that really sucked big hairy donkey balls.

“Well, there you have it, folks. It doesn’t look to me like Trey committed anything except killing it on the dance floor!” Marcus laughed and clapped his hands again.

The audience laughed right along with him.

The only one who didn’t appear to be laughing was—Lola.

She turned to Marco. With a serious look on her face, she said, “I wouldn’t exactly say he was innocent, Marco. In fact,” she looked into the camera, “I know a lot of wives out there who’d have a problem with their husbands acting that way.”

There was an uncomfortable silence, and the surprised look on Marco’s face said it all.

This part was not scripted.
