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He raised his eyebrows and jerked his head slightly. “You were partying pretty hard that night. Are you sure you even remember?”

I stood up so fast, that I didn’t even realize I was on my feet until I scowled down at him. “I’d remember something like that. Do you want to take this outside?” My hands rested firmly on my hips. This tool was asking me if I fucked around on the only woman I’ve ever loved.

And I’d given him my clear, honest answer.

Still, he was not believing me.

“Jesus, settle down. I was only asking.” He frowned and leaned away.

“Yeah, and if I asked you that—several times—about you and your fiancée? You can’t tell me you wouldn’t lose your shit.”

He shrugged and I saw what might be understanding slide across his face. “Fair enough.”

I huffed and sat back down. The last thing I needed was more bad press. And if I stared at Beau much longer, I’d definitely end up punching some part of his body.

Not two minutes later, he and his stupid questions were back. “You love her. You didn’t dick around on her. Then what’s the problem? I don’t get it.”

I swallowed over my dry throat. “We’ll work it out.”

He let out a snort. “Trey, she left you—and filed for divorce. I think all of that says she’s done with you.”

My head whipped sideways. “We are not done. I’m giving her some time. Eventually, she’ll come back.” Or, at least that was what I hoped happened.

“You’re not giving her a divorce?” His voice rose higher with that question.


Beau chuckled, then leaned forward—his elbows digging into his knees. “Christ, you’re crazier than you look right now. How exactly are you going to talk her into coming back?”

Now, that was one heck of a question that I didn’t happen to have an answer for.

