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He let out a scoff. “It’s getting boring.”

There was a two-second pause before he went on.

“This morning I decided being here is more important than worrying about how your family will react.” Beautiful eyes steadily held hers, his face calm, and he lifted one of those broad shoulders that surely had marks from her fingernails. His voice grew softer. “Because you’re stronger than they give you credit for, Evie. Stronger than Dan gives you credit for. The reckless teen has grown into an incredibly brave woman,” he said. She held her breath, stunned, and he went on. “I thought you deserved to have someone who knows that by your side during your initial homecoming.”

Tears pricked her eyes, the surge of gratefulness so strong her knees almost collapsed. He’d set aside his worries about her brother’s reaction to come and support her. He’d stayed to watch over her when her fear had driven her to drink too much. But that was the side of Wes she knew well. The Wes who always did the right thing. It didn’t mean things had changed much.

“What took you so long to get here?” he asked.

“I drove around for a while,” she said. “I needed to think.”

No need to share about what. Her family. Her brother.

Last night…

“I’ve been doing some thinking, too,” he said. “About us. About our future.”

Hope sliced through her, scaring her with just how much she wanted there to be an “us.” Sympathetic support from a friend was one thing. Considering something more was something else. But she knew better than to get attached to that dream. Her whole childhood had prepared her for this moment. Because ultimately, she wouldn’t fit with his life. She couldn’t bear being set up for expectations she could never fulfill. Just like with her family. And she couldn’t bear the thought of disappointing Wes.

“There is no future for us,” she said.

“There could be.”

Her heart tripped, and the painful landing triggered a swift, quiet inhalation. For several seconds she dreamed of exactly that. Of saying yes and being free to be with Wes. To talk to him. To burrow into his arms when things got too tough.

Free to touch him whenever she


“Wes, you’re not thinking straight,” she said, hoping to keep it together long enough to send him away. “You’re just suffering from the lingering effects of my seduction technique.”

His faint grin was positively breathtaking. “That’s true,” he said. “But I’ve also come to the conclusion that I’d like to give us a try.”

Eyes wide, she blinked, her gaze stuck on the honesty in his expression. “Give us a try…” Her voice trailed off for a moment before she was capable of going on, the truth bitter on her lips. “You don’t want me as your girlfriend.”

“Yes, I do,” he said.

The joy and longing were too much, and fear gripped Evie. She couldn’t continue to be the problem that needed to be solved.

“No, you don’t,” she said, her voice full of worry and doubt. And her protest was a strong one. “I’m too opinionated.”

“I love your opinions.”

“I don’t have a job.”

“You’ll find one,” he said confidently. “And Dan wants to lend you a hand.”

Evie grimaced. “I don’t want to be that loser who constantly needs to be rescued.”

“You’ve accomplished a hell of a lot since you left home. You turned an unknown band into a success. Don’t be too proud to accept help from the ones who love you, Evie,” he said in a low voice. “It doesn’t mean you’re a loser. It makes you human.”

But deep down she knew that wasn’t the main reason she was afraid. What if she tried and still failed? She hadn’t even attempted with her family, but she realized now that was just a self-defense mechanism. Because failing at something you hadn’t given any real effort to didn’t hurt near as much as the alternative. What if she tried to fit into his world and screwed up so badly he walked away? The thought sat heavy on her chest, making breathing difficult.

So did the possibilities.

Her heart strained to cage the hope wildly building in her chest. “I will never be that perfect CEO accessory.”

Wes tipped his head, his brow furrowing with curiosity. “What are you talking about?”
