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He let his fingers linger on the edge of her lace panties, and saw her pupils swell in response. “Your turn.”

She thought long and hard, pausing to take another sip on her tea. Between her legs, she could still feel his rock hard penis and it made any kind of logical thinking difficult.

“Did you want children?”

He closed his eyes briefly, then opened them and stared straight into her direct, blue gaze. “Dare.”

“What!” She playfully punched his upper body. “That’s not fair.” But her stomach was twisted in knots at the very notion of what she could dare him to do now. “Come on, David. I’m being more honest with you than I have anyone else, ever. Would it kill you to open up a little?”

He sighed dramatically. “I did want children.” He raised his eyes to her. “Not immediately. But I’m thirty four now. I thought by now we would have… I suppose I just thought Veronica and I were on the same page.”

“But you weren’t?” She asked shakily, secretly disappointed that she hadn’t got to set him yet another task.

“That’s another question. Save it for the next round.” He said teasingly, wrapping his arms around her waist with all the appearance of sexy indolence. Only a sixth sense was bleeping in Katie’s brain, making her suspect that there was so much more he could have said on the subject; so much he was keeping from her. “Now, my turn. What should I ask this incredibly beautiful temptress in my lap?”

Katie didn’t care what he asked. She knew she wasn’t going to answer. She wanted the dare.

“Have you ever thought of moving? You said your mum is in London. Surely you’d find it easier with more support…?” He hated himself for asking, but he was being eaten up by curiosity. Selling Wadeford House would give her so much more freedom than she had now.

“Dare.” She said breathily, her pale blue eyes extending a challenge to him.

The flicker of frustration that she didn’t answer the question was quickly engulfed by the flame of his rampant need. He knew what he wanted to do. “Let me kiss you.” He moved his hands to between her legs and grazed his knuckles against the flimsy fabric of her underwear. “Here. Let me kiss you here.”

“Ohhh…” she moaned, and tilted her head back. The lightest touch had charged her whole body with an electrical current, and all common sense evaporated immediately. She heard her whisper, low and hungrily, “Yes. Yes, please.”

He scooped her up and lay her down on the large timber table. He locked his eyes with hers as he slipped his fingers into the waistband of her underpants and slid them down her long, shapely legs, not looking away. He eased her dress up to expose her beautiful bare body, letting it pool around her middle.

He dipped his head and pressed a kiss insider her thigh, right near the entrance to her being, and he felt her jump a little at his light touch. He slid one hand up, under her dress, to find a nipple, and he flicked it, judging by her little moan that it had released a hit of sensation. Good. He squeezed it between his fingers, rolling it with just the right amount of pressure so that her mind was focused on that feeling. Then, he moved his mouth to her entrance and pushed his tongue forward, to taste the very essence of her being.

“Oh, David!” She squealed, her hands frantically pulling at his hair as he got very intimately acquainted with her body. He moved his hand to her other nipple and squeezed it firmly, knowing she was going into over-drive and wanting to give her more pleasure than she’d ever known. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” And yet she could. Nothing had ever felt so right.

She was so wet, so beautifully responsive. He felt her body start to shake and held her while she climaxed, beautifully, sweetly. God, he needed more of her.

She pushed up on her elbows, her face clouded with confusion as she looked down at the sight of total relaxed sexuality she made.

“That was… amazing.” She said honestly, shaking her head with a small laugh. “And a total first.”

He felt a surge of power at her admission that he had been the first man to kiss her so intimately. “Do you have a question for me?” He asked, but instead of moving away from her, he crept his fingers up to the top of her legs and slowly strummed her soul, watching as arousal was stoked anew inside of her.

“That’s…not…playing…fair!” She said breathily as her whole body danced to his tune.

“Is that a complaint?”

She shook her head urgently and he laughed. “Good girl. Now. Do you have a question for me?”

She bit down on her lower lip. “Give me a minute. I’m struggling to think, here.” She tried to focus her mind. “I know. When did you get divorced?”

“Four years ago.”

She let out a shaky breath. She was pleased it was so far in the past. She didn’t like the idea of a recently divorced David Trent hitting on her just because he was on the rebound. It was the last thing she thought of before he increased his tempo and once again drove her over the edge. He pulled her up as she climaxed and sat her gently onto his lap. “This is madness,” she exhaled contentedly. She collapsed her head onto his chest and waited for her breathing to return to normal. “You have one last question. You’d better make it a good one.”

He didn’t even need a moment to think. “Do you want me to make love to you?”

God, she did. She did. She needed it.

It had been years since she’d been with a man, and she’d never met someone like this. “What do you think?”

His eyes flashed triumphantly, but he linked his fingers through hers. “Katie, I know you’re not someone who does this often. I’m not an idiot.”
