Page 102 of Beautiful Chances

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“Gin!” Kas calls out, winking at Mia.

Giggling, Gaby rolls her eyes. “We’re playing Poker, Kas.” When her eyes land on Jed and me, she nervously fingers the blonde wig lying next to her.

Their banter is effortless and smooth. They’re acting like old friends rather than the strangers they are—at least Kas and Gaby should be. I don’t know how well the women know each other. Looking around the small room, I don’t need to guess where Alec is since the bathroom door is closed, and I can easily imagine my brother hiding out to avoid the three people on the bed.

“Coen!” Mia’s eyes sparkle, and she leaps off the bed, running toward me. “You were gone longer than I thought you would be,” she breathes as she hugs me fiercely.

Cupping her cheek in my hand, I tilt her head up so our eyes lock. “Were you worried, babe?” I smirk, momentarily forgetting everything that’s going on. Instead, I focus on the woman in my arms and the look of pure adoration and love she’s giving me.

Mia stretches, placing her lips on mine. Even though it’s a close-mouthed kiss, I feel my dick waking up. “We need to talk.” Although I don’t want to pull back from her already, I must. I can’t let myself be swept up in her right now. Sadly.

Since I’m not willing to leave Gaby alone, me, Jed, Mia, and Kas huddle up near the door.

“Our phone signals are being jammed,” I say, looking between my brother and our girl. “Martin’s team reached him via their satellite phone.”


Interrupting Kas, I continue. “They’ve had to move to other rooms because of a leak in the ones Martin first arranged for them. This means they’re not as close as intended.” I give Jed a look, willing him to take over and explain the rest.

“We hacked into the hotel security system, and we’ve found plenty of evidence of Gaby Harrison working here for at least the last year. We could also verify that she always wears a wig and a name tag that says Laura. Therefore, we have concluded that none of that is out of the ordinary for her.” Jed delivers the news with zero emotion.

“Did you find any footage of my mom approaching her?” Mia asks, biting down on her bottom lip.

“We did, Miss Hargraves,” Jed stoically confirms. “Mrs. Hargraves called last night and made the arrangements. She arrived with a brown package, identical to the one you received at your house, only thirty minutes before we arrived.” A small gasp is the only outward reaction Mia gives.

Kas places an arm around her waist, pulling her against him. “Was she wearing gloves or anything?”

“Not gloves, no. But her right arm was in a cast and sling.” I hadn’t heard this part, and as soon as Jed says it, my eyes land on the silver dome. Even though I didn’t have time to study the hand, I know it’s the right one. I remember the slightly curled thumb being on the left side.

At the news, Mia sags against Kas, muttering, “Fuck!”

“Alec should be here for this discussion,” Kas adds. “Is he still with the team?”

I look at him, confused by the question. “No? He’s in the bathroom.”

“What do you mean ‘no’?” Mia hisses. “If he is using their bathroom, he’s still with them.” My heart plummets to my stomach, making my insides feel like they’re being dipped into acid.

Not liking where this is going, I walk over to the bathroom. “Alec?” I call, hammering my fist against the pale gray door. “Alec, fucking answer me.” When he doesn’t, I kick the door open, and I’m greeted by nothing but emptiness.

“Coen, he isn’t here. We haven’t seen him since he left with you.” Worry seeps into her voice, and it wavers on the last part.

“What do you mean, he isn’t here? Where the fuck is Alec?” Snarling and unthinking, I get in Jed’s face. “Where is my brother?”

Pushing me away, Jed pulls out his phone and disappears into the bathroom. The minutes he’s gone are some of the longest in my fucking life. Without taking my eyes off the bathroom door, I pace in a circle around the cart.

“CJ—” Kas starts, but I cut him off with a huff.

Circling the cart for what feels like the hundredth time doesn’t make me feel better. Desperate and worked up, I kick the fucking thing, so it topples over, and I distantly realize that Gaby is screaming again. I don’t care. It doesn’t fucking matter.

Alec is gone.

“I forgot about the envelope,” Mia murmurs and bends down to retrieve it. There’s a rustling sound, and I presume it’s from her opening it, pulling out whatever contents it’s hiding. “NO!” Her anguished denial brings me out of my impatient stupor.

Too slow to act, I can only watch while Kas pulls the envelope and contents from her hands. Mia’s legs give out from beneath her, and she crumbles to the floor with tears streaming down her face.

“CJ!” My name, that’s all it takes for me to walk over to Kas, seeing the four pictures for myself.

The first one is of Mark, and there’s a big red X drawn across his face. The next three are of us; me, Kas, and Alec. The last thing is a small handwritten note that reads, “One down, three to go!”

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