Page 101 of Beautiful Chances

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We all watch as Gaby scoots further up on the bed, trying to put as much distance between us as possible. “I’ve been wearing the wig ever since my second day working here. A guest was extremely rude, not wanting me to touch anything because of my dirty red hair.”

“You said Mia’s mom is the one who paid you to come up here. When?” Kas thoughtfully asks, and I would like to know as well.

Apparently not finding the question as crucial as Kas and I, Mia asks one of her own, “Why did you pretend we haven’t met before?”

After wiping her eyes and nose on the sleeve of her forest-green uniform, Laura—Gaby—answers, “I don’t know, Mia. I panicked.”

Some of the anger bleeds out of Mia, and she takes a step closer to Gaby. “Kas, stay here, please. Alec and Coen go find the others and make sure Mr. Anderson is updated.” Then she stretches and reaches for her sister’s friend—or former friend. “What do you say the two of us catch up alone?” I watch helplessly as the two women disappear into the bathroom, closing the door after them.

“I don’t want to leave her alone,” Alec barks.

Sighing, I open the door, gesturing for him to get his ass into gear. “She won’t be alone. Kas is staying,” I remind him. Truthfully, I’m not any happier with her instructions than Alec is. I might get it, and, yes, it makes the most sense to leave the jokester here.

Kas is the best at putting people at ease. He’s the master of hiding his true feelings behind jokes and smiles, making him appear less of a threat. Even though the joviality is only skin deep, he won’t hold back if Mia is in danger, and it’s still better than Alec’s explosiveness.

I will not pretend it doesn’t sting that I was dismissed as well. I have years of experience comforting abused kids and spouses, so I’m confident I could help put Gaby at ease. Even so, I know that I’m the best at dealing with Alec when he is this close to losing his temper.

“Let’s go,” I repeat, closing the door behind us as we leave in search of the security team.

After knocking on the third door with no reply, Alec says, “I thought they were meant to be close by. This is fucking ridiculous.”

“Something’s off!” Martin assured us his team is highly skilled and used to this kind of work, so why is there no one around us?

Next to me, Alec is clenching and unclenching his hands, the vein in his neck protruding despite the ink surrounding it. “I don’t fucking like this.” I hit the phone icon on my phone once more, noticing Alec doing the same. It’s of no use, though. Neither of us has any signal.

“One more door, then we can head back.” I don’t even know why I’m so adamant about continuing looking. It’s beyond stupid after no one answered the first three doors, the ones closest to our room. Isn’t the definition of insanity to repeat the same activity, expecting different results? If so, just call me Coen the insane!

Alec gives me a sour look, clearly exasperated and unhappy with my need to keep going. “Fine, but I’m staying here. I’m not walking further away from Baby. Just call if you need me, I will stay here.” I give him a sardonic salute, not wanting him to see how his words make me feel.

The reminder of Mia being alone with that Gaby person isn’t sitting right with me. Sure, Kas is there, and even though I know he can protect them both, I still don’t like it. Instead of dwelling on that, I forge ahead. Making my feet carry me to the next door, which isn’t more than five steps away from Alec—however, the hallway does curve slightly, obscuring the view of our door.

After two knocks, the door opens, and I come face-to-face with the security team leader. “Mr. Birch, is everything okay?” he asks as soon as he sees my less than happy expression. “Did something happen?”

“Why are you guys not in the rooms next to ours? I thought that was the plan,” I seethe, unable to control my emotions.

His stoic expression doesn’t falter. It remains in place like the Queen’s Guard, trained to never react to the myriad of tourists trying to bait them. “It was, but there was a water leak in the first two rooms. We’re still occupying the one across from you, this one, and the next.” Taking in my less than amused expression, he steps back and gestures for me to come inside.

I turn around to tell Alec to go back to our room, but he isn’t there. It shouldn’t surprise me he left the second the door opened. Patience has never been his strong suit.

I only stay with the security team for half an hour, which is enough time to fill them in on Gaby and, of course, the severed hand served on a silver platter. Lord, if the situation weren’t so dire, Kas would undoubtedly have a field day with that one.

After I had described everything, the leader made a call to Martin from his satellite phone. “We don’t have any signal on our normal phones either, Mr. Birch.” It wasn’t until he said that I remember Mia sending a text to her mom, letting her know we had arrived. She messaged her from our room.

“The signal was fine when we first arrived,” I informed the team. “We sent a few texts with no problems at all.”

All I received was a terse, “I know.” Apparently, that constitutes as an answer in security speak.

“I’ll come back with you.” One of the younger-looking guys says. When I ask about his name, his lips curl up in an almost there smile. “You can call me Jed.” Right, of course. None of them have offered us any names, and when I asked, they’ve only given me ridiculous names.

The leader is called Cairo. The second in command is Whistler… Fucking Whistler—and now we have Jed. I remind myself that it doesn’t matter what they want to be called. If one of them wants me to call him Pen Is, I’ll do it as long as they help keep Mia safe.

Jed and I take our leave, walking side-by-side back to our room. His movements are as graceful as a predator in its natural habitat, reminding me of a feline on the prowl. “Have you considered changing your name to panther?” I ask, unable to keep the smirk off my face.

“How do you know that’s not my name?” he shoots back. “I didn’t tell you my name, only what you can call me. If you don’t like it, you may call me Chicago.” Snorting, I roll my eyes at him.

“Fair enough, “I say and swipe the keycard below the scanner with a nod of agreement. The scene that greets me on the other side of the door couldn’t be further from what I expected.

Kas, Mia, and Gaby are all sitting on the bed, playing cards. The silver dome is covering the tray beneath it.
