Page 123 of Beautiful Chances

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When I open my mouth to suggest Kas take off and drive Alec to the hospital, I hear it. There are cars heading this way.

“I think we’re about to have company,” I grind out. “Push Alec to the floor and get up here,” I say to Kas as I pull the bag from the floor, where he was sitting next to me.

Rummaging through it, I throw clothes over my shoulder as I look for the weapons Alec said are still there. This must be the reason Lila wanted us to bring the bag, so maybe she was trying to help us after all.

I could cry from relief as my fingers graze the cool metal of one of my knives, and I immediately pull it out and hand it to Kas, who’s back in the seat next to me. “Here, you take this,” I rush out as I feel around for the rest.

Kas and I don’t have our bags anymore. As far as I know, they’re still in our hotel room in New York. Sucky as it is, there’s no point in crying over lost weapons.

“Yes!” I exclaim as my hand closes around a gun, and as I pull it out, I recognize it as Mia’s—if not hers, it’s the same model. “Do you want—” I don’t get to finish my question before Kas shakes his head.

“You take the gun. At least you know how to use the damn thing.” Nodding, I choose to keep to myself that a knife might not do us much good unless we get up close and personal with whoever is fast approaching.

No matter how much I try, I can’t get a good look at the vehicle that’s approaching. The dust from the road is all that can be seen.

“I think there’s one car or more approaching,” I say, doing my best to listen.

Shrugging, Kas replies, “Sounds like two to me, though one doesn’t sound as close.”

Well fuck, that’s not good.

We wait in bated silence as a black car flies right by us, swerving right underneath the trees I’d contemplated parking beneath. With their speed, it’s a good fucking thing I stayed here, otherwise, they would have crashed into us.

Kas and I stare at the car that’s facing away from us, I think we’re both waiting for the people to exit and storm toward us. They don’t. Nothing happens for three minutes, that’s when I hear another car coming.

I keep looking behind us, confused when I don’t see another vehicle approaching. “In front!” Kas shouts, startling me. “Look, CJ, for fuck’s sake, look.” He points off to the side, and he’s right. A red vehicle comes into view as it speeds right toward the parked car.

The sound from the crash is earsplitting. Next to me, Kas cringes at the impact and I want to tell him to look away. He doesn’t need to watch it happen. Though my guess is that he, like me, can’t look away from the wreck.

“Who the hell—” Before I can finish, the door of the red car is thrown open, and a woman crawls out. “Is that… Lila?”

I’m barely blinking as I keep watching, waiting for her to get back up. Before she can, Luis flies out of the front passenger door of the black car. The gun in his hand is pointed straight toward Lila as he yells at her to get back up.

My heart is beating wildly in my chest, and my forehead becomes clammy. I’m caught between rushing out of the car, pulling the gun on Luis, and staying here to watch. Fuck, I can’t stay here. Lila just risked her life, and that’s after she helped us escape.

She’s done more than that. If we hadn’t followed her advice, who knows what would have happened. I’m willing to bet that Mia is in the black car, which means Lila got us all out. I can’t fucking leave her to the mercy of Luis like that.

“I’m going out there, keep an eye on Alec.”

Kas gives me an incredulous look. “The hell I will. I’m coming with you.”

Rather than arguing and losing precious minutes, I nod and open my door, and exit as quietly as possible. While I look at the scene in front of us, Kas crawls across and out on my side as well.

“What now?” He’s whispering while I check the chamber in the gun for bullets.

“Look at you now, Lila. My how the mighty have fallen, is that not how the saying goes?” Luis barks out a laugh, lowering his gun slightly, I imagine it’s pointing straight at Lila. “I can hear you crying, I can hear your moans of pain. Those are like music to my ears.”

Taking advantage of Luis taunting poor Lila, we sneak up to the black car, hiding behind the rear end.

“K-k-kill me,” Lila cries, barely loud enough for us to hear.

Luis throws his head back and laughs. “Kill you? Yes, but all in good time. You are not dying today. No, you will entertain me for a long time before I let you be reunited with your useless husband.”

We duck as another door opens, and I barely believe my eyes when Mia steps out of the vehicle. I only briefly see her profile, but it’s enough to see her split eyebrow and the blood that’s already dripped down onto her dress.

Fuck, she looks incredible. I guess it’s true what they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder. And right now, she looks like a goddess.

“Husband,” Mia purrs, making me frown.
