Page 124 of Beautiful Chances

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Did they actually get married?

“Luis, come on, you promised me an amazing honeymoon. Why do we have to waste time on her?” Mia’s voice becomes cold at the mention of Lila.

“Enough!” he shouts, spinning around and aiming his gun straight at Mia. “Do you take me for a fool? You wish to spare her, is that it? I could do it, you know. I promised you to free the men who defiled you, but since they died in the fire, I could give you Lila instead. Would you like that, darling Baby?”

I watch as Mia’s shoulders droop. “You lie,” she screams. “You’re lying to me. They didn’t die.”

“Oh, but they did, darling Baby. Well, Alec died earlier today from his injuries, so I guess that technically cannot be blamed on the fire. But the other two, they are no more.”

“No! I don’t believe you!” It’s hard to listen to Mia’s screamed denials, especially as I can hear the heartbreak in her voice. “I hate you. Do you hear me, Luis? I fucking hate you.” Her tortured screams turn into wordless wails as she sags against the car, her body shaking so hard it’s a wonder she’s still on her feet.

“I assure you, I do not lie. Now, do you want this pitiful creature?” Luis waves the gun in Lila’s direction before cocking the gun.

“I’ll lure him away. Get Mia,” I hurriedly whisper to Kas, who looks ten seconds away from jumping out like a fucking Jack-in-the-box.

As soon as he nods, I lie down flat on the ground, angling the gun toward Luis’ feet before pulling the trigger. I smile as Luis’ howl of pain reaches my ears, and I watch as he drops to one knee. I pull the trigger again, watching as the bullet embeds itself into Luis’ knee, and once again, I smile at the sounds he makes.

Veering to the side, I crawl around the black vehicle, using the open door to shield my body.

“Luuiiiisssss,” I call out, emphasizing the S, feeling as though I’m a snake ready to strike. “Stand up like a man.”

With much whining, he does as I say, and I do the same. For the first time, I come face-to-face with the man that’s responsible for everything that’s happened since Mia came into our lives. He’s the reason she’s been scarred, lost parts of herself, was assaulted, and the very reason she lost her chosen father.

“I wish I could say it’s nice to meet you, but my mom taught me never to lie.”

I don’t know if I imagine hearing Mia utter my name, and it feels fucking good—even if it is only in my mind, like a whisper in the wind.

“You are dead, Coen. Dead,” Luis seethes, swinging his gun, so it’s trained on me.

This time I’m the one who laughs. “Not without you. We can go to hell together.”

I already know this might be how it ends and if so, I only hope that Kas won’t let Mia see. Although he can’t do anything about her hearing the shots, I have to hope he can shield her from the sight.

“It looks like we are at an impasse,” Luis groans. He’s no longer looking or sounding as cocky as he did when he was taunting Lila.

“Not an impasse,” I coolly correct. “I’m going to put a bullet between your eyes, and if my life is the cost of yours, then so be it.”

“Coen! No!” This time I know I’m not imagining Mia’s voice. Her terror-filled scream is as real as the gun that’s pointing at me. “Get away from him.” There’s scuffling following her last words, making me think she’s not willing to let Kas drag her to safety.

I know they haven’t been able to leave yet, not with the way we’re standing. I need to get Luis to point the gun in another direction, preferably make him turn around. With these thoughts in my head, I walk around the door I was shielding my body with. Luckily, Luis follows and matches my every move.

There’s still not a clear opening for Kas and Mia. All Luis would need to do is move his arm, and he could shoot either of them.

“Are you too much of a coward for a real fight? Not man enough?” I goad.

Canting his head to the side, Luis looks at me through slitted eyes. “I am not one for games. Let us finish this once and for all. You claim you are ready to die, so what is holding you up?”

Just because I’m willing to die for Mia doesn’t mean I’m going to be reckless. I have to play this smart, and I have to be quick about it. Alec needs medical attention as fast as possible, so time is a luxury I have.

I edge more to the side, making Luis turn even more. Okay, this is good. There’s still not a complete opening for them to get back to our car, but it’s getting closer. Just a few more…

“What game are you playing, Coen? Are you hoping to get me to turn away so she can run?” Luis laughs. “You do not really think I am alone, do you? Steve, come out. I need you to go get my wife.” At Luis’ words, Steve emerges from the car, looking a lot worse for wear.

His nose is clearly broken—probably from Lila ramming into the car—and one of his eyes is completely swollen shut.

After bowing to Luis, Steve pulls a gun out and moves to the back of the car.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

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