Page 125 of Beautiful Chances

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What if Steve isn’t on our side? What if that’s the reason Lila changed the plans? If Steve isn’t an ally, then Kas is about to literally bring a knife to a gunfight.


My heart is beating so violently in my chest that I’m almost surprised my ribcage can contain it. Sweat trickles down my back, and my hands shake ever so slightly while I wait. Images of Mia being hauled to Luis’ side at gunpoint keep flashing in my mind, and I desperately wish I could blink them away. I can’t though, I have to keep all my attention on Luis.

Suddenly there’s the sound of a gun being fired, and I immediately crouch, even though there’s nothing to hide me. I barely register it when Luis falls in front of my eyes as blood splatters from his other leg.

Then, from the rear of the car, Mia and Kas emerge. He’s right behind her, one hand on her shoulder as she moves closer—looking glorious in her homicidal rage. “Do you have any last words, husband?” she seethes before pulling the trigger again, and I can’t look away as the bullet embeds itself into Luis’ shoulder.

He jerks at the impact, shouting words I don’t understand.

Mia shoots once more, this time hitting the hand Luis used to clasp his weapon.

“I asked, do you have any last words?” The smile on her face is anything but sweet, it’s hatred incarnate. “No? Well, I do. I want a divorce.”

Luis looks stupefied as she walks closer, keeping her gun aimed at his face.

“But you… You…” he gasps, his face getting paler by the second. “You promised…”

Mia’s laugh is shrill and evil. “I’ve upheld my promises, husband. You broke yours because you didn’t free Coen, Kas, and Alec as promised. They broke free without your help.”

I see red, literally, as Mia comes closer. There, on her chest… Right between her breasts… That looks like a fucking burn. What the fuck happened to her? And why isn’t it covered to protect her skin?

“One last thing, husband,” Mia sneers. “I want you to know that once we’re divorced, or I get an annulment, I will find a way to get rid of your brand. Even if it means I cut it from my skin.”

“I will kill you, I will kill all of you. Dip you in acid and use your bodies for target practice. I will—” Luis doesn’t get to finish his threat. The last shot from Mia silences him forever.
