Page 22 of Beautiful Chances

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“Please take a seat.” The lawyer gestures to the two white leather chairs opposite his, with a white desk between us. “Can I get you anything before we get started?”

I look at Baby, who looks absolutely regal in her grief. One leg is crossed over the other, and her back is straight. She’s wearing one of her black office dresses, high heels, and her hair is twisted into some updo that shows off her long neck. “I’m good, thank you,” she says.

When the lawyer, Andrew, looks at me, I shake my head. I don’t need anything.

“Very well. As you know, Mark’s will was only released a few days ago, which is protocol when there’s an investigation into how the deceased died. Especially when one of the people involved in the investigation is the sole benefactor.”

I don’t know if the stuffy prick means to sound as condescending as he does, but I don’t like his fucking tone.

Clearly, Baby doesn’t either. “Please proceed,” she says, and there’s no emotion in her voice. I know she’s working hard to keep her composure because of the way she’s squeezing my hand. With our fingers intertwined, I can feel the outline from her ring digging into my skin, and I fight the urge to twist my hand to lessen the pressure.

I, Mark Eugene Jones, being of sound mind, leave everything to Mia Viola Hargraves.

It is my wish that she does with my estate what she wants, as long as it’s something that makes her happy. The naming of my savings accounts are mere suggestions, and the benefactor can spend my estate as she sees fit.

Mia, if you’re hearing this letter, I want to say I’m so proud of the woman you have become. You’re so filled with compassion and love. It’s been my privilege to watch you learn to stand on your own feet and to see you take on the world like the force of nature that you are.

I know you don’t believe in a life after death, but if there is one, I’ll be spending mine watching over you. I don’t want to miss a moment of your life, and I truly hope you spend it chasing happiness. Even if it’s with those good-for-nothing-guys that are actually good for more than I gave them credit for, don’t close your heart to them. Let them in and let them help guide you. Forget about where you came from and focus only on the journey ahead. Everyone deserves a second chance in life, even you. Please promise me you won’t embark on that journey alone.

Be the woman I always knew and let the world see your goodness. I’m so proud of you, and I love you so much.


PS! I’ll be watching The Fellowship of the Ring on a heavenly flatscreen until you join me. Hopefully, I will be waiting for a long time.

When Andrew reads the part about watching Lord of the Rings, Baby hides her face in her hands. Her shoulders shake as she sobs into her palms. I glare at the lawyer when he looks like he’s about to say something. I mean, let her have a moment, for fuck’s sake.

Pulling her closer to me, I whisper, “Are you okay?” Baby sniffles and nods. Deciding that I don’t care what Andrew thinks, I get out of my chair and kneel in front of hers, placing my hands on her thighs. “Shh, it will be okay. We will get through it together.” I keep whispering soothing and cajoling things to her. I’m not sure what I can do or what the right thing to say is, so I just keep murmuring whatever pops into my head.

“He loved that movie so much, and I never understood why. I mean, I do. It’s a great movie, but he never wanted to watch the rest.” Even though I try to fight it, I end up laughing. I can easily imagine the big guy loving to watch the battle of Sauron—even if I find it weird to only watch the first movie over and over.

As soon as Mia’s no longer sobbing, the lawyer picks up where he left off. “Besides his apartment, Mark owned shares in a few different companies.” Andrew lists all the names, and I let myself zone out. None of the names ring a bell to me anyway, and I have no interest in Mark’s—now Baby’s—belongings. “It’s all outlined in the will, as well as the total sum in his accounts. Now that the estate is no longer frozen, you have access to everything. Our office has notified the owner of the building in which Mark’s apartment is, so they can update their paperwork. While Mark owned his home, he was part of the building’s home insurance, so if you keep the place, you have that option as well.”

Baby forces a polite smile on her face, which is so at odds with the tears that continue to fall from her eyes. “I see, thank you. What do you need from me?” Baby sounds so matter of fact that I want to shake her. But I get it. I really do. I have no doubt that it’s taking a lot for her to keep her mask in place, and who the hell am I to take that sense of control from her?

We stay in Andrew’s office for another hour, all while Baby signs papers per his instruction. Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised by the amount of money she’s just inherited, but I am. Fuck, I am. Mark thought of everything. There are special savings for her wedding and in case she wants to study full time. Even though he clarified in his letter that Mia can spend the money as she sees fit, I already know that she won’t want to do less than he suggested. A part of me is happy about this, maybe it will give her the drive to focus more on her future than on Mr. Riley.

I’m allowed to hope, right?

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