Page 23 of Beautiful Chances

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“Areyousureyou want to do this?” I grasp Mia’s chin and force her to look at me. It’s not unkind, but I am being firm. I need her to tell me that this is what she wants because her drooping shoulders and hunched spine aren’t doing much to convince me.

Sure, she looks put together. She’s wearing a cream-colored sleeveless dress with an ankle-length cardigan over it. She’s gathered her hair on top of her head in a high ponytail, except for two pink locks that frame either side of her face—matching the calf boots she’s wearing. The color was almost completely washed out, so she went to her usual salon this morning to have it redone. She sounded so sad when she said, “Mark said he loved what I had done to my hair, so I need it retouched before tomorrow.” Of course, none of us would dream of arguing with her about that—even if it seemed like there was no time to squeeze in a visit to her hairdresser.

After she returned, I learned the true value of Mia going there. When she came back, there was almost a skip in her step, and her smile actually reached her eyes. Spending some time with her trusted hairdresser seemed to do her some good, and Mia was happy that she could invite Rochelle, who will join us tomorrow.

In a small, almost broken voice, Mia answers me. “I’m sure. I’m just tired, and I need to get this over with.”

No wonder she’s tired. For the past two days, she’s woken up every half hour throughout the night to make sure the speakers hooked up to an old phone worked. Through her device, the ‘Thong Song’ blares in the basement, making it impossible not to wake up her former boss. Last night, she drenched him in water every time she went down there as well. It was my suggestion because she was nervous he’d still fall asleep between songs.

“Sweets, we got you. You just say the word, and we’ll get you out of there if it becomes too much.” Turning in his seat, Kas looks at our girl from the front passenger seat. “This is your show, so we’ll follow your lead.” Although he’s looking at Mia, I get the sense that the message is more for Alec and me.

Even though Alec isn’t saying much while driving, I see the looks he sends me in the rearview mirror. Hearing what a horrible fucking bitch Mia’s mom is wasn’t exactly the surprise of the century. It’s not even surprising that Mia had put up with it all these years. That completely explains the tower-high walls she had around her when I first met her. At first glance, she seemed approachable, but you didn’t have to dig deep to see how closed off she was—and in many ways, she still is. Learning that Mia’s own mom is belittling and verbally abusing her explains so many things, and it pisses me off to no end. Even if parents abusing their children wasn’t a trigger for me, I’d like to think I would have severe issues with it.

“You don’t have to tell them about us, Baby. Please don’t do it for our sake, we don’t need that.” For the first time during the ride, Alec speaks up.

And he’s right.

Mia leans forward and rests one hand on Alec’s shoulder. “I know. I want to be honest for my own sake. We can’t keep doing the same thing over and over. Either they want to be a part of my life and accept my decisions—or they won’t, in which case tomorrow will be the last time we see each other. I need closure.” I fucking love how determined she sounds.

Even if I don’t think she’s in the right headspace to make ultimatums, there’s no denying how much I love hearing her stand up for herself.

“Alright, let’s do it then,” I say.

As soon as Alec stops the car, we all get out, and I take Mia’s hand to help her after I’ve exited the vehicle. She fucking looks drop-dead gorgeous, and it has very little to do with her makeup, hair, or even outfit. No, it’s the determination and confidence that’s once more oozing from her. She’s like a fucking goddess when she’s on a mission.

Unable to resist, I bend down and gently kiss her cheek before saying, “Don’t let them take tonight from you.” I’m not entirely sure what the words mean, so I’m pleased that Mia nods rather than asking me to elaborate.

“We got you, sweets. I won’t sit through another dinner and allow anyone to speak to you with less than respect. Never again.” Taking Mia’s hand, Kas kisses the palm before winking at her.

Mia almost smiles, which, given the circumstances, counts for a lot.

Not allowing himself to be left out, Alec pulls Mia into his embrace and tips her face up toward him. “Ours!” That’s all he says before he kisses her softly.

I’m still scared to hope that this is how things will be from now on. The four of us are so at ease around each other, Mia being the center we all gravitate toward. It seems too perfect, and I can’t stop suspecting—fearing—that she’s biding her time and that this will all change tomorrow or Monday.

Shaking my head, I force my brain to shut down. Trying to predict the future won’t do any good. Things will happen or they won’t, and either way, we will deal because that’s not even a choice anymore. I wasn’t kidding about the three of us gravitating toward her and circling her like she’s the sun at the center of our very own solar system. Whatever she says goes, we’ll be with her every step of the way.

“Oh my gooooosh, sissy!” A girl that’s almost a dead-ringer for a younger-looking Mia squeals so loudly that everyone in the hotel lobby turns their heads. I say almost because her hair is icy blonde instead of dark brown. But other than that, they share a lot of the same facial features.

Beside me, Mia’s steps falter for the briefest of moments, and I hear her muttered curse before she continues forward with confident strides. I see her and Kas share a look out of my peripheral before Mia nods. I really want to know what that was about, but I get my answer before I can ask.

“Jewell!” Kas exclaims and walks in front of Mia, pulling her sister into a hug. “I have to ask, do blondes have more fun?” he asks, pulling lightly on her long white hair.

Mia’s sister enthusiastically returns the hug. “We do, Kas. We really do.” They both laugh, and I think I like Jewell.

Mia quickly introduces Alec and me to her sister, who isn’t happy with handshakes and demands hugs from all of us. “Mia texted me ahead of time to tell me all about you,” she says with a wink. “We’re family, let’s not be so formal.” She laughs when Alec awkwardly pats her on the back, almost as if he’s doing a security check rather than meeting his future sister-in-law for the first time.

“Mia, it’s good to see you.” A tall guy who’s older than Mia walks up behind Jewell. “Move, it’s my turn,” he says playfully and then pushes her out of the way so he can hug Mia.

Our girl seems a little more relaxed as she lets her big brother hug her closely. “Reid, I’m so glad you came.”

Pulling back, he places a hand on the side of her neck and looks into her eyes. “I’m so fucking sorry for your loss. Do you need anything? What can we do?”

My brothers and I watch as Mia’s eyes well up, and, of course, Kas steps in again. “Reid, nice to see you again, man.” Clasping Kas’ outstretched hand, Reid looks from me to Alec and back again.

“Big bro, have you met the other men in our sister’s life?” Jewell asks in a smug tone, making Mia turn her eyes heavenward, and an exasperated sigh leaves her lips.

“Jewell!” she admonishes her younger sister with thinly veiled annoyance.
