Page 24 of Beautiful Chances

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“Can’t say that I have. What’s this?” Reid scrunches his brows together in confusion, a gesture I recognize so much from Mia that I get the urge to laugh.

While it’s clear that Mia and Reid are related, their looks aren’t as similar as hers and Jewell’s. They have the same shade of dark brown hair, and their noses are alike. But his eyes are gray, or maybe blue… Or even green. I’m honestly not sure what color his eyes are since they seem to change every time he moves his head.

“Haven’t you heard, big bro? Our sissy lives in a modern relationship with three guys because she knows what she’s worth and won’t settle.” Jewell waggles her eyebrows in a way that has all of us laughing. Even Reid and Alec, who I dreaded, would end up in some battle of wills.

“Is that so?” Reid looks between us.

Deciding to beat Jewell to it, I hold my hand out. “Good to meet you, Reid. I’m Coen,” Mia’s brother takes my hand and squeezes it while giving me a curious look.

“You too, Coen. You too.” Then he shakes Alec’s hand as well and slaps him on the back. “Look, I’m sure Mia and Kas have already told you about our family, so I have to ask if you’re going to tell mom and dad?” Even though the question is more for Mia, Reid looks directly at me.

“With all due respect,” I say, while holding his gaze. “It’s Mia’s decision what she wants to share and when. But whenever she feels it’s time, we’ll be backing her up—and I would expect her siblings to do the same.”

If we weren’t standing in a lobby that’s also filled with other people, I’d say the silence is deafening. But it isn’t. It probably isn’t even noticeable to anyone outside our little group. But to us—to me—that’s how I would describe it when everyone stops speaking at once. Mia worries her bottom lip. Jewell bounces on the balls of her feet, Kas smiles, Alec and Reid both look tense, and I have no idea what I even fucking look like.

Then Reid starts laughing, and it’s a booming sound that gathers the attention of some of the other people in the room. “Perfect answer!” He beams before turning to Mia. “We have your back as well. This weekend is about you.”

Mia stares slack-jawed at her brother, and with my eyes, I trace the lone tear that drops from her eye. “Thank you,” she murmurs.

Jewell links her arm with Mia’s while Reid walks with Kas, Alec, and I following behind them as they lead us into the restaurant where their parents are waiting.

“They seem nice,” I whisper to Alec, who shrugs. Okay, so there will be no small talk. That’s probably for the best.

I can’t stop observing the interactions through my social worker goggles. Jewell is the life of the party. Her energy and happiness are contagious, and even Mia seems to be drawn to it. Reid is a bit more reserved, which isn’t hard next to the ball of joy that is their little sister. He seems nice enough, and so far, he’s been the only one respectful enough to offer his condolences to Mia. I don’t think that Jewell didn’t do it out of spite. For all I know, that could be what the girls are whispering about now.

“Brace yourself,” Reid throws the warning over his shoulder before opening the restaurant doors.

With an apologetic look, Mia says something to Jewell before she waits for me to catch up to her. As soon as I do so, she takes my hand and squeezes it tightly. I don’t need all my years studying body language to know she’s dreading walking over to her parents’ table.

Mia’s mom is petite, and her hair is bleached as much as Jewell’s is. Her frame is smaller than both her daughters’, but she carries herself with grace. Everything about her screams, ‘look at me, I’m important,’ which couldn’t be further from Mia. Her eyes are void of any warm and fuzzy feelings. They look like she wants to be anywhere but here.


Their dad is a large man with a smile to match. Unlike his wife, his eyes are warm, and he looks between all of us with curiosity written all over his face.

“Mia, there you are.” I watch as father and daughter hug, which isn’t nearly as affectionate as she was with her siblings just before. “We’re honored you’ve invited us to be part of tomorrow, thank you.”

The more I look at the patriarch of the Hargraves clan, the more obvious one weird thing becomes. Any traits the siblings share comes from their dad. If you look at Mia and Miranda next to each other, you would be hard-pressed to guess they are mother and daughter.

Mia’s mom makes a scoffing sound. “Yes, thank you.”

Placing my hand on Alec’s arm, I silently will him to remain quiet. This battle isn’t ours to fight, at least not until Mia declares war. If she wants to put up with her mom’s antics, it’s not for us to jump in and save her. She couldn’t be further from a damsel in distress.

“Good to see you again, Roger and Miranda,” Kas says and waves at them. “Let me introduce you to my friends Coen and Alec.”

Kas looks between us, and I take that as my cue to say something. Shaking hands with Mia’s dad, I say, “Hi Mr. Hargraves, I’m Coen. A pleasure to meet you.” After Roger shakes my hand, I know I have to say the same to Miranda, even if I don’t really want to. “Mrs. Hargraves, I'm pleased to meet you.” Refusing to take my hand, she gives me some sort of half wave greeting.

After introducing myself, Alec follows suit, and the result is the same. Mia’s dad, Roger, is polite and friendly, while Miranda could audition for the role of the snow queen.

Roger asks us all to sit down, and we do. Reid has just about placed his drink and food order before Miranda says, “Honestly, Mia, who are these guys? If they’re clients of yours, I don’t think—”

Mia’s dad interrupts his wife before she can finish whatever she wants to say. “Darling, now isn’t the time. We’re here for our daughter this weekend. Let’s keep that in mind.” Even though he’s still smiling, it’s easy to hear the bite in his words.

“Really? You’re going to speak up for her when she’s forcing us to break bread with only God knows who? What if they’re pimps?”

Sensing the change in the mood, the waiter wisely tries to scurry away, but Mia orders ten tequila shots before he can flee. “Anyone else want shots?” She asks in a neutral tone.

Kas doesn’t even bother to stifle his laughter as he says, “I’ll just steal one of yours.”

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