Page 52 of Beautiful Chances

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“He did, but only after I lived with him for two years did he disappear for good. Fuck, I’m getting ahead of myself here. I moved in with him and his new wife, Sarah. They didn’t have any kids, and she welcomed me into their home. We lived together for one year until my dad wanted Marilyn to move in as well. My mom put up a fight, and Sarah wasn’t happy about that. You have to understand that Sarah was… She was troubled. I don’t know what was wrong with her, some kind of mental health illness I guess, and the scrutiny from my mom’s lawyer made Sarah uncomfortable and depressed. My dad wouldn’t let it go, and he became obsessed with the idea, and in the end, his wife left. For the last year, it was only my dad and me. I saw mom and Marilyn twice a week, and on each visit, my sister cried and begged me to come home or take her with me.”

I feel myself shaking the more I talk. I don’t want to talk about all of this shit. Or maybe I do… No, I think what I want is the ability to fast forward until I’m all talked out, and if possible, even farther than that. To a time where she’s reacted to what I’m telling her, and I can hopefully finally take her right here in the tub. But since I’m no brainiac that can whisk up a time machine, this is my proverbial gangrenous limb—but instead of cutting away the decay and rot, I have to give it a voice.

Even though my brothers and I knew each other before we met Mia, there’s no denying she’s the nucleus of our group. And as such, it’s axiomatic that she needs to know what it really means to be with us. It doesn’t matter how much CJ and Alec have told her. This is my part, and I don’t want her to hear about it from anyone but me.

Despite the fuckedupness I’m about to tell her, my cock twitches when she absentmindedly shifts in my lap. The movement presses her pussy closer to my hardness, and I contemplate rubbing against her. As if she’s read my mind, Mia wraps her hand around my girth and slowly moves her hand up and down.

“Go on,” she urges me with a wry smile.

I try to swallow the feeling of impending doom down, but it’s no use, so in a gruff voice, I say, “After Sarah left, my dad completely changed. He blamed me for ruining his life, and he became cruel. In the beginning, he still allowed me to go to school, but when the principal became concerned and sent social services to talk to my dad, those days were over. I think they must have called my mom as well. It’s not something I ever thought about back then, but now I can’t think of any reason they wouldn’t. I won’t bore you with all the sordid details…” Mia squeezes me so hard that I can’t stop myself from groaning out loud. “Fuck! Sweets!”

This is so fucked up, but damn, I love it.

“If you stop, I will as well. Continue your story, Kas.”

I appreciate Mia’s forced casualness. Of course, I’d like it more if she didn’t force it.

“You’re so fucking hard for me. Feel how wet you’re making me just by letting me touch you.” Angling my shaft, so her pussy lips spread around it, I can feel her wetness mixing with the water, and fuck if it doesn’t feel amazing.

“I-I fuck, squeeze me harder. Make it hurt, sweets.” My breath saws out of me with each pump of her hand, and when she tightens her grip around me, it hurts in the most delicious way. “Okay, one night I woke up while he was tying me up. After he had tied me down, he pissed all over me, aiming for my head, and yelled at me to open my mouth. I wish I could say that was the first time he did that, but in reality, it was just the first time he went further. After emptying his bladder on me, he lit his cigarette with a match that he threw onto my exposed chest. Although his urine made the flame go out relatively quick, it still burned me—”

“I’m so sorry.” Mia’s voice trembles, and it’s only now that I notice the tears sliding down her face. “You don’t have to tell me,” she says before bending her neck to lick and kiss each of my scars. Some of them are submerged in the water, but each one visible to her receives attention from her lips and tongue.

Closing my eyes, I try to work through all my thoughts and decide what to share. I have no intention of letting her know that I can still recall the stench of my own skin burning or the taste when I had to swallow my vomit so as not to anger my dad even more. Even now, I fucking hate remembering how insignificant I felt. Being at someone else’s mercy is an experience you’ll only truly understand if you’ve experienced it. There’s no way to put into words the loss of control, trust, and humanity.

“You don’t have to continue your story,” Mia says in a voice that’s thick with the emotions she’s feeling but trying to hold back.

“No, you need to hear this.” I’m pleased that I manage to sound resolute because that’s how I feel despite the horrors.

Guiding my cock to her opening, Mia moves the tip inside her, making me moan. Loud. The feeling is an exquisite contrast to my mental turmoil, and I’m not sure what to make of that. Even as I think this, I thrust upwards until I can’t get further inside her.

“Mhmm, you feel so good.” Mia praises with her eyes closed. “Is this okay?” She tightens around me, so there’s no doubt what she’s talking about.

Is it okay? Well, I don’t fucking know. I would spend every minute of my life inside her if I could, so I guess that makes it more than okay. But then again, I’m hard, throbbing, and so fucking horny while telling her about my dad abusing me… Is that okay? I suppose only a shrink or a court can answer that.

Moving my hands to her ass, I squeeze the flesh and lift her up, almost losing my ability to do anything but fuck her when she slams back down on me. Mia keeps bouncing on my cock, and every time she sheaths my sword in her protective heat, she moves her hips, seeking friction on her clit.

“For two consecutive days, my dad used my chest to extinguish his cigarettes and my face to pee on. He called it my baptism, and as dawn approached on the third day, he forced me to thank him for baptizing me.” My voice is deeper than normal, and I can’t tell if it’s caused by the memories resurfacing or from Mia fucking me.

This is truly fucked up, and the worst part is that I don’t care. If this is the definition of being a sociopath or insane, then I’ll wear that fucking diagnosis with pride. It’s all sorts of distracting, but I welcome it. Each movement stops me from allowing the darkness to consume me.

“I need you to touch me,” Mia moans.

Her beautiful face is twisted in a mask of pleasure and pain—completely mirroring how I feel. I move my hand below the water and find her clit, slowly rubbing it until she’s moaning incoherent words.

“The last night my dad wanted to make me a man and said that he had a present for me waiting in my room. When I got up there, Sarah was tied to my bed. Her body was covered in bruises, and blood seeped from beneath the fabric covering her mouth. She was naked, and her legs were spread wide and tied to the bedposts, completely exposing her.”

I stop to let that hang in the air between us. Before I tell Mia the end of my tragic story, I need her to grasp that I fully understand her situation. I’ve seen it before, and I’ll rip the entire fucking world apart with my bare hands before letting Mia suffer the same fate as Sarah—and I don’t mean death at the hands of a madman. I will not allow my girl to succumb to her fears.

Hindsight is a twisted bitch, there’s no other way to put it. There are many things I remember from that night, but Sarah’s life has never stood out to me. But now… Well, now I can’t stop thinking about the things I heard and saw in my dad’s house of horrors. While I never saw Sarah with odd bruises, it’s clear he controlled and abused her. A frown from him was enough for her to bend over backward to satisfy him, and I never paid it any attention.

Mia’s bouncing changes to her barely moving her hips as she cries my name. “Kas…” Her voice is being stolen by the sobs shaking through her body, and I don’t quite know how I feel about that. I suppose it’s expected she’s reacting the way she is, especially if she’s guessed what comes next. “I-I… No, fuck it. Keep going.”

I watch mesmerized as she straightens her spine and cups her tits, pinching the hardened nipples. “As amazing as you look right now, you don’t have to keep fucking me, sweets.” Yeah, there’s a sentence I never thought I’d say while spilling all my secrets.

Hmm, life is fucking strange.

Not for the first time, I contemplate whether I’m doing the right thing by telling her all of this. Fuck, maybe I’m shattering something unrepairable inside her… But maybe, just maybe, she needs to hear this as much as I need to tell it. Because the fact is that even though she acts like she’s okay most days, I know she isn’t. I see the darkness growing inside her because of Neil’s actions. And if she thinks she needs to carry that burden alone, she’s wrong.

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