Page 11 of Brutal Bargain

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The thing about clearing ragers from any given area is that it only attracts more. You kill one, three more show up.

So you have to clear areas around the target. Moving further and further away, drawing them to other places.

But it isn’t just that I have to lure the ragers away from Baylor Square. I have to make sure not to lead them into Remi’s path.

A part of me wants to collect her myself, ushering her to safety. But that’s weak-minded. If she’s going to become a part of the alliance, she has to be strong enough to make it twenty blocks. Heck, she has to be a lot stronger than that, but some strength must be built over time.

In my head, I have a picture of her. She’s awkward, sarcastic, geeky. Mousy. Not what one would consider beautiful, but pretty enough to make you not care.

She’s obviously smart because a stupid girl would have immediately balked at my suggestion only to return to negotiations sometime later. She digested my demands, quickly deduced she had no other option, and struggled to gain some form of control over the situation while knowing she had none.

And tomorrow, she will be mine.

My cock is delighted with the prospect of a playmate, which makes me all the more thorough in clearing the square, leading the dead-heads farther away than I normally would before heading back to the hole in the wall I’ve been occupying.

A part of me worries she won’t get along with the women of the Keep.

Eva will like her. Christine, not so much. But she’ll have to deal with womanly politics on her own. And if she can’t, she’ll be miserable.

For once, I ignore my erection because I want my first time with Remi to be that much sweeter. That much more of a release.

She’s going to hate me. I don’t blame her. I suppose I could make myself into a kind and gentle lover for her, but that would be doing her a grave disservice. Everything we do together will be transactional, from the moment I help her up the bus to when I finally take her down to the Keep.

She’s going to want Prince Charming, which I can never be. There will be no white picket fence in her future. No love or kindness. I will be her salvation. She will belong to me in every way a woman can belong to a man.

I’ll be the monster she desperately needs to survive in this cruel world.

The thought of touching soft, womanly curves is enough to make me double my efforts to keep her safe. I still haven’t decided how I’m going to take her first. A part of me wants to tear into her body with the force of a tsunami, but something about a pair of innocent lips wrapped around my cock makes my balls ache.

My walkie-talkie buzzes to life.

Blake: Hey, you there, man?

Gage: I’m listening.

Blake:When you headed back to base?

Gage: It’ll be a bit. I have a little lamb caught in my trap.

Blake:Damn! That little lamb have some friends?

Gage: Not a friend in the world, which works out well for me.

Blake:Well, good luck.

I try to recall her sweet voice again. The tone.

What do you look like, Little Lamb? Are you worth the risks I’m taking? Are you deserving of my aid?

I grab the base of my cock, unable to deny myself.

But crackling sounds again. This time, from the radio and not the walkie-talkie.

Remi:Food isn’t in as short a supply as I’d thought.

I snicker. Of course it’s not. Everyone died before they got around to eating it.
