Page 43 of Craving Justice

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She swallowed and nodded.

“Good, because when I act on those ways, I don’t want you having any regrets.” With that, he turned and headed to the main bathroom off her hallway.

Shit. If she gave him half a chance, he’d catch her as easy as a calf at a rodeo.

The sexy visual of Seth and a coil of rope held her feet in place. “Keep that up and I’ll tie you to the bed.”

Sweet mercy, the idea wasn’t even that far-fetched.

Harper hurried into the kitchen, frustrated and needing to focus. She gathered the ingredients from the fridge and readied a pot of boiling water for the pasta. The mouthwatering smell of garlic frying in a pan filled the kitchen as she added the pre-cooked, shredded chicken, along with mushrooms and shallots. Once she combined the sauce she’d made last night and the cooked pasta, her tummy was rumbling.

“That smells bloody awesome.”

She spun at the sound of Seth’s voice and found him so close she could see the lighter shades of blue mixing with indigo in his eyes. Like the crystals Jinx collected and had on one of her windowsills where the sun picked up all the different colors.

His wet hair was already drying into its usual waves. The black T-shirt he’d changed into covered his torso in the same fabulous way as the gray, and his faded jeans fit well, drawing her gaze to the long, strong line of his legs.

“Thanks. Dinner won’t be a minute.”

“Can I help? I’m not a great cook, but I know the basics.” Seth eyed the large pan.

“We’re about done here. Can you take care of drinks? Glasses are in the cupboard to your right. There’s white wine, beer, water, et cetera, in the fridge. I’ll have wine, thanks.”

“No worries.” He grabbed a beer for himself, poured a glass of wine for her, and took the drinks and the wine bottle to a long wooden table that sat in her dining/living area and returned. “Plates, cutlery?”

“I’ll serve up here.” Harper pulled down two bright aqua pasta bowls from the cupboard next to the range hood and placed them on the counter. She pointed to a set of four wide drawers. “Top one for cutlery. Napkins and mats are in the bottom. Oh, and there’s fresh Parmesan and a grater next to the fridge.”

He grabbed forks and spoons, along with yellow napkins and thick, red placemats and headed to the table. Harper served their meal and placed the bowls on the placemats.

Enough summer light streamed through the wide, industrial framed windows, so she didn’t turn on the large pendant light. She sat at the end of the farm table in the chair closest to the kitchen. Grabbing the cheese and grater, she offered, “Want some on top?”

“Absolutely.” The shavings of cheese landed on the steamy hot pasta and curled from the heat. “This looks amazing, Harper.”

“Thanks.” She nodded toward his plate. “Start, it’s essential your first taste is just before the Parmesan’s fully melted.”

Seth chuckled but didn’t lift his fork until Harper had done the same.

Harper twirled her fork in the creamy sauce and the extra thin spaghetti just as Seth took his first mouthful.

The big Aussie closed his eyes for a second and groaned. “This is my idea of comfort food. Hot. Tasty. Filling. None of that pretentious, tiny serving a la carte crap.” He reached for his napkin and shoved it on his lap. “Theo would consider you stiff competition to his restaurant.”

Happiness bloomed inside her like a just opened flower soaking up the sunshine.

“Don’t say anything, or he won’t let me back there again.” As soon as the words were out, Harper paused. That was a little presumptuous.

“We’ll be going back there, sweetness. Your first instinct was the right one.”

“I’d like that.” She lifted her glass of wine and said, “To a great day.”

Seth clinked her glass with his bottle of bear. “And it’s not over yet.” He loaded more pasta on his fork. “Tell me more about your sister.”

“My sister?” Harper leaned back against the ruby and white cushioned seat of the dining chair.

“This afternoon, you and Nitro shared stories of growing up together, but you didn’t mention your sister. Your dad mentioned something about her birthday dinner next week. Is she older than you?”

“Yeah, Sienna’s thirty.” Harper tilted her head to the side. “I didn’t mention her?”

