Page 10 of Light Me Up

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“Ha!” I barked out and Theo shot me a look while handing me a shot of tequila. His fingers grazed mine and I felt that stupid jolt I normally feel when he’s around, but I ignored it like usual.

“Amy?” He asked, passing her a shot, but she just scrunched her face and shook her head.

“I can’t take that strong taste in my mouth.” She then wandered off to the other side of the room where some new people just walked in.

“Yeah Theo, be more respectful about what you try to put in her mouth.” I smirked. It was his turn to roll his eyes.

“More for me.” He shrugged.

“Where is the bride?” I asked, before we toasted.

“Right here.” Alex came up behind me, fixing herself next to her groom, who handed her a shot glass. The love they felt for each other was obvious in the looks on their faces. Happiness, affection, peace. It was beautiful to see. But I wasn’t ashamed to admit it was hard to be around at this exact moment. Nevertheless, it was their night. And I was determined to make it a success for them.

“Well then. A toast to you two lovebirds. Let’s kick off the wedding festivities with a bang!” I said, raising my glass. The others did too, and we all took the shot.

At a nudge on my arm, I looked over to Theo handing me a lime. My hands were full, but before I could put my cup or clutch down, he raised the lime to my mouth.

“Suck.” His eyes shifted from mine, to my mouth, and then back again. My heartbeat hastened. I was paralyzed and hated that I loved it so much. I glanced over to the happy couple, but they weren’t paying us any attention, they were in their own little world.

I opened my mouth and he gently shoved the lime against my lips. I sucked the juice out as I watched him watch me. Watched his eyes darken and his teeth bite his own lip as he focused on mine. The sour and bitter taste of the lime felt like the sweetest juice in the world. He pulled the fruit away, and used his finger to wipe a drop of juice from my lip. I couldn’t look away from his face.

What was happening right now?

But then just as quickly as that little interlude started, it was interrupted by raucous voices behind us. Some of the guys from town had gotten here and shoved into the bar area. Theo stumbled into me as someone pushed him from behind, his arms coming to wrap around my waist to catch himself but also stabilize me.

Then we did that staring thing again. For just a moment. All that existed was the two of us. Not the happy couple to our left, staring in each other’s eyes. Not the loud group of guys pouring drinks behind Theo. Not Amy and her miniature dress. Just us. But then I blinked and he cleared his throat.

“You okay?” His arms came sliding up to rest on my shoulders.

“Yeah,” I replied, breathless. He looked me up and down once more. Twice more.

“Come on, Theo, I made you another shot!” Someone called out. He shook his head as if exiting a trance. So I took that as my cue and made a quick exit to go find Ellie. It had gotten too hot in here.

* * *

The whole town was in Alex and Sam’s house. At least that’s what it felt like. I’d grown accustomed to being in command of a room. As a business owner, I had to do so on a daily basis. Welcoming friends and strangers into my cafe, taking orders, making small talk… These were all things I did without even thinking about it. I’d always considered myself an extrovert. But tonight, I was tired.

My cheeks hurt from all the smiling and my throat scratched from all the talking. I was indeed so happy for my dear friends. But some small part of me felt a deep loneliness I never normally let myself acknowledge. I wanted to ignore the fact that that loneliness got worse when I saw Theo and his latest fling. But who was I kidding?

Everything about that man grated on my nerves and I didn’t even understand why. Probably because he was my complete opposite and I had nothing in common with him except for our little group of friends. But why had my body decided to react so strongly every time he got close? And why did it seem to be the same way for him?

I wasn’t blind. I’d noticed for months the way he looked at me when he thought I wasn’t paying attention. But he’s never once done anything about it until the other day. Right before he took the whole thing back. And now here he was with a girl draped all over him days after his tongue was down my throat. Which annoyed me far more than I would ever admit.

But it was fine. He didn’t owe me anything. I’m no one to him. I’m not even his type. He’s not mine either. It shouldn’t surprise, or upset me. But why did it?

My mind was asking a dozen questions I didn’t have answers for. All I wanted to do was go home and soak in a bubble bath. Relax in the quiet of my little haven. I looked at the clock on the wall and grimaced. It was only eight. There was no way I could sneak out this early.

Figuring I might as well distract myself to pass the time, I mingled between groups and checked to see that all the guests had food and drinks. It was easy to play hostess, and put me into familiar territory so my brain stopped thinking of things it shouldn’t be.

As I approached the dessert table to straighten it and refill the trays, Derek approached with a tall friend on his heels.

“Hey again, Sara,” he said, his drink sloshing in his hand.

“Hi there. You enjoying yourself?”

“Yeah, you guys throw a great party.” He gestured to the room and then clapped the man-giant on the back. “So I wanted to introduce you to my friend, Lucas. He does work with the Portland chapter of The Coastal League.” Interesting.

“It’s nice to finally meet you, Sara. I’ve heard about the work you’ve done up here and I’m impressed.”

Lucas shook my hand but then held it a beat longer as he looked me in the eye and smiled the kind of smile that men do when they know they’re a catch. Still, it didn’t entirely put me off. The man was hot.

“Well, it seems my reputation precedes me. It’s nice to meet you too.” I had to tip my head back to see his face clearly. And I was wearing heels, so he must have been close to six and a half feet tall.

I vaguely noticed Derek clap Lucas on the back again and when I looked over to the far corner, I saw Ellie gesturing, egging me on. I wasn’t interested in being set up, but thoughts of Theo and his young Barbie flooded to the front of my mind, so I figured spending a few minutes flirting with a sexy man couldn’t hurt.

“So I heard you made all these,” he said, gesturing to the dessert table.

