Page 9 of Light Me Up

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I hadn’t seenor heard from Theo since the town council meeting the other day. That wasn’t entirely unusual, it’s not like I normally tracked this sort of thing. But I didn’t know what to think or how to feel after that kiss.

He made it clear it was a mistake, and the logical side of me agreed wholeheartedly. I just wish I knew why another part of me, a wholly unwanted part, felt so dejected after he made that declaration. I didn’t even like him. Did I? He was certainly attractive from an objective point of view. All six-foot-three of him. Well muscled. Symmetrical face. I mean, sure, he could pass for a male model if he needed to, but that was besides the point.

He annoyed me every time he was in my presence. Calling me hippie was a bad thing. Flaunting his well toned body like he was god’s gift to women. I’d never met a man so full of himself.

Except the day he kissed me, I wasn’t annoyed. He noticed I was off that day and came to check on me. How the hell was I supposed to feel about that? And then he just casually gave me the best kiss I’d ever experienced. No biggie. Because he made it clear, it was a big dumb mistake. Ugh.

The man grew more infuriating with each passing day. And now I’d be forced to spend time with him at the engagement party of our mutual best friends.

I arrived at Alex and Sam’s place an hour early to unload the wine I’d volunteered to bring. Along with a surprise.

“What is all this?” I turned to see the bride-to-be floating down the porch steps, her white sundress billowing around her thighs as she moved. Alex’s voice was incredulous but her smile reached her ears as she rushed forward to the back of my Jeep.

“Oh just a little something Landry and I whipped up. I couldn’t let the sweetest night of spring go without some sweet treats.” I drew Alex in for a hug and then kissed both of her cheeks. “I’m so damn happy for you, my friend. You deserve this ‘happily ever after’ more than anyone I know.”

Her eyes welled with tears, making them sparkle all the more. Seeing my friend so happy, so much more vibrant and sure of herself than she was just a year ago, has been a blessing. And tonight we were capping off the start of her new journey. But now it was time to show off the goods.

I backed up and gestured to the open trunk, packed to the top of the seat backs with boxes from the cafe.

“Over here we have triple chocolate brownies, and then here, lavender shortcakes.” I handed Alex three of the boxes while I took some in my own arms. “In honor of your groom, I made my famous wild Maine blueberry tarts. And then for you, your favorites.”

“Strawberry scones?”

“Four whole boxes.”

She squealed as we climbed the steps.

“I figured you can freeze any leftovers.”

“Oh give me a couple days, there won’t be any leftovers,” Alex said as I laughed.

It took several trips but we managed to get all of the confections unloaded and displayed on a table by the back windows of their great room. As I was putting the finishing touches on the display, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

“Sara, I’d like you to meet Derek,” Ellie said, beaming at her new beau. The man standing next to her was tall and handsome. His slightly crooked smile showed off deep dimples and his blond hair flopped on his head in a surfer-style. He sure was a treat to look at.

“Well hello there. Nice to meet you,” I said, shaking his outstretched hand. And what a hand it was. His big paw practically swallowed my own.

“Nice to meet you, too. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“Oh, really?”

“All good things!” Ellie smiled and took his hand.

“Yeah, it feels nice to be meeting the family.”

“Well we are exactly that, so don’t think you only have to impress Sam. You have all of us looking out for our dear Ellie.”

Just then, Rafael appeared at my side and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I noticed his eyes sizing up Derek before he went to give Ellie a kiss on her cheek too. Except he lingered for a moment and whispered something in her ear that made her face blanch. Now what was that about?

I left the men to their pissing match disguised as an introduction and went to the kitchen to help with the drinks. Sam had set up a bar on the large counter and was arranging the various bottles everyone had brought. It was still early, most of the guests hadn’t arrived yet, but the family was here. Our little found family we’ve made. It felt right.

“What can I do to help?”

“Ah, I left some packages of cups out in the garage. Mind grabbing them? They’re on the shelf in the back.”


I moved through the house to the side door that led to the garage. It was dark in there but I didn’t turn on the light. I could see well enough to grab the cups. They were bulk packages of fifty and Sam had already had some out, so I just picked up one bag and made my way back to the kitchen.

“I just got one since…” My words cut off at the sight of Theo standing at the counter. That charming smile of his was plastered on his face and his arm was around a woman. A beautiful woman I didn’t recognize. Her hair was perfectly coiffed into a bun, her feet elegantly planted in stilettos and her dress, if you could call it that, hugged every inch of her skin, except for where it stopped, just below her butt. She was leaning into his touch.

“Ah thanks, Sara.” Sam took the cups from me and started setting them out on the bar. It wasn’t until that moment that Theo even looked my way. But at least it gave me a second to school my features and shove my shoulders back. He had the courtesy to look abashed as he removed his arm from around the Barbie. But I made it my mission to look unbothered.

“Hello there, hippie.” Theo said, his voice taking on an abnormal lilt. Was he nervous? My eyes rolled to the back of my head. So much for schooling my features.

“Hello there, Sheriff.” I dusted off the imaginary dirt on my dress. It was becoming a habit. “I’m sorry to say I didn’t bring any doughnuts for you.”

“Ha.” His smile widened, which was the opposite of what I wanted, but whatever. But then I noticed he looked me up and down not once, but twice. And my spine tingled under his gaze. What the fuck. “This is Amy. Amy, this is the hippie.”

“Sara,” I corrected and stuck my hand out. She just looked at it for a minute before lightly shaking it and then wiping her hand on her napkin of a dress. Okay.

“How about we do some shots? Get this party started?”

“Of course that’s what you want to do,” Sam said with a laugh. “Most people aren’t even here yet.”

“Yeah so it still counts as pre-gaming.” Theo’s face lit up and he wiggled his eyebrows.

“Alright, I’m in. Just remember this is my engagement party. Try not to get too crazy.”

“I never get too crazy.”
