Page 56 of Irish Princess

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Saoirse is home when I return, cleaning up the kitchen. “Must be a shock, not having staff to do that for you,” I say sarcastically as I walk in, and she glares at me.

“See? That’s what I was talking about last night, when I said I don’t understand why you’re being so cruel.” She blows a piece of hair out of her face, glaring at me. “There was no reason for that. I haven’t complained, have I? I don’t mind doing a fucking dish or two. I don’t know why you’re so intent on assuming the worst of me.”

I ignore that, standing on the other side of the kitchen bar as I face her. “I want you to keep seeing Niall.”

Everything grinds to a halt in that instant. Saoirse sets the plate she was washing down, stripping off her dishwashing gloves and looking at me carefully with her hands gripping the countertop edges. “I’m not seeing him,” she says slowly.

“You’re telling me he’s not waiting in the wings until you pop out a child for me, to take my place in your bed?”

“We agreed not to talk about our potential lovers, or who they are when it happens.”

“Well, I’m talking about it now,” I say irritably. “I want you to see him. Let him take a few liberties even, within reason.”

“Why?” Saoirse looks at me warily.

“I want to see what information he might let slip, if he’s comfortable with you and thinks that you’re getting into a relationship with him. I want to hear anything he says about Liam, or Liam’s plans.”

Saoirse’s gaze darkens. “So you’re pimping me out for information on your brother,” she snaps.

I shrug. “Isn’t that what your father did to get me here?”

Her teeth clench. “If you want to call me a whore, go ahead, Connor. You’ve certainly insinuated it before. All I did was make a move to arrange a marriage that would have happened anyway if you hadn’trun off. I helped save your brother’s life—”

“Well, he seems bound and determined to throw it away now anyway,” I growl. “I need to know if Niall knows anything.”

She pauses, and I can see a series of undefinable emotions flickering over her face. “What’s going on?” Saoirse asks finally. “Has something happened?”

“That doesn’t matter. I just want you to see Niall, get closer to him, see what you can get him to let slip—”

“No.” Saoirse glares angrily at me, stalking around the bar to face me on the other side. “You’re not going to do that. You’re not going to keep me in the dark.I’mthe reason you’re here at all,I’mthe one who brought you back—I didn’t do all of that for you to just shut me out. You can tell me what’s going on, or you can fuck off.”

“What did I say about speaking to me like that?”

“You sound like a broken record.” Saoirse doesn’t budge an inch. “What happened to make you do such a 180 regarding Niall?”

I let out a sharp breath. “There’s issues with shipments,” I say curtly. “One of my men might have been compromised.”

Saoirse shakes her head, her lips curling with irritated disgust. “So now you come to me for help, because you can’t get control of your own men. Well, I don’t want to be your spy.”

She starts to turn and walk into the bedroom, but I follow her, trying to grab her arm to stop her. She moves quickly, but I slip in after her before she can slam the door, looking angrily down at my defiant wife.

“Your loyalty is tome,” I tell her harshly. “Not your father, not whatever other man you’re seeing. Your loyalty is tome, andourfamily, andourfuture.” I move towards her, backing her up, and she clenches her jaw as she glares up at me. “I don’t care about who you love or who you fuck,” I growl at her, my hands curling into fists. “But at the end of the day, you’remine, Saoirse McGregor, and it’s fucking time you learned that.”

I motion to the bed. “Take off your panties, get on the bed, and spread your legs.”

Saoirse stares at me. “What?”

“If you won’t be a dutiful wife and help me find out what I need to know, then you can do the only other thing you’re good for. Don’t bother undressing. On your back or face down, I don’t care. Right now I only have one goal other than taking back the Kings, and that’s getting you pregnant. So spread your legs, so I can put a load of cum in you, and stop wasting my time.”

Saoirse’s face looks so utterly shocked that for once, my spitfire bride appears speechless. Slowly, she turns, climbing on the bed and laying back against the pillows. I watch as she pulls her skirt up, sliding her panties down her hips as she looks at me defiantly, and I’m instantly so hard that it’s almost painful.

Everythingabout Saoirse gets me rock-hard without effort, but watching her submit to me makes me so intensely aroused that I know it won’t take long to do exactly what I promised her I would.

She spreads her legs, giving me a perfect, unobstructed view of her pussy as I yank my zipper down, reaching to take out my hard cock as I kneel between her thighs. She’s glistening despite herself, her pussy wet with anticipation, and I chuckle as I move forward, pushing my thick cockhead between her folds.

“I’m not going to come,” Saoirse hisses up at me, and I laugh.

“We’ll see.”
