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“Angel, we didn’t want to worry you more, and there isn’t anything you can do anyway, so I didn’t think it would hurt not to tell you. In Kurt’s defense, he wanted to tell you and knew you would be pissed when you found out.” Kevin had knelt in front of her and taken both of her hands into his.

“But neither one of you bothered to tell me. I’m not some innocent little flower that you have to protect from everything. I can handle myself.” She was so pissed she could hardly see straight.

“We were just trying to protect you. Will you stay home today? Sadie and her men can come here, and you two girls can talk, and we boys will break something in the garage.” Kurt asked.

“No! We are meeting downtown at the new bistro for lunch, then shopping. I. Will. Be. Fine! Please, don’t worry about me. One of you can drop me off and pick me up, okay?” She was still pissed, but her grandma always said you catch more flies with honey than vinegar and pick your battles.

Kevin looked at Kurt, who shrugged this time, and they reluctantly agreed. Kurt drove and dropped her off with Sadie, and it was agreed that she would call when she was ready to come home.

Lunch with Sadie was great. She was very informative and willing to talk about being married to two men and being their sub.

Tina and Sadie knew each other because Tina had been Sadie’s counselor for her PTSD but had never talked outside of Tina’s office except for the occasional friendly greeting once Tina started to come to the Club. Tina was happy to get to know Sadie outside of the clinical setting and had a feeling they were going to be great friends.

They were shopping when Sadie sat and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, Tina, I thought I was up to this today, but Junior here has me worn out. He’s going to be just like his daddies and keep Mommy worn out all the time,” she said smiling and rubbing her distended belly. “I’m going to have to cut this short. I’m sending a text to the guys to come and get me…can I take a rain check for another time, maybe after Junior makes his appearance?”“Sure, honey, we’ll do it another time, are you going to be okay?” Tina was concerned.

“Fine, just need to lie down and get these balloons I call feet up.” Still rubbing her belly.

Tina sat next to her and took her hand, smiling and wondering what it would be like to have Kurt and Kevin’s child growing inside her. Would it be amazing? Did they want to be fathers? They hadn’t discussed the future or children. Maybe they didn’t even want a family. It was something she hadn’t thought about either.

Sadie interrupted her thoughts by asking, “Do you have your phone or do you need to use mine to call one of your guys to come and get you?”

“No, I still have some shopping I want to do, so I’m just going to finish before I call them,” Tina answered smiling, still thinking about a child of her own and how her men might react. This was the first time she had really allowed herself to think about a future and children with her men. Her men, she liked calling them that.

“Do you think that’s a good idea?” Sadie asked her.

“Sure, why not. I’m a big girl, I can go shopping by myself.” Tina was confused on why Sadie would think it was a problem.

“Okay,” Sadie said, still rubbing her abdomen.

It wasn’t very long before Evan and Dave both burst into the shop, frantically looking for Sadie.

“Right here,” Sadie called out.

Both men knelt in front of her and each took a hand. It was sweet to watch. You could tell they were both very devoted to their wife and concerned about her.

Dave stood and looked at Tina as Evan helped Sadie up and to the car. “Hon, do you need a ride or are your men coming for you?” he asked, hands crossed over his chest.

Sighing, Tina explained that she was fine and going to do some more shopping before calling her guys.

Dave shook his head and said, “Okay, take care of yourself,” before giving her a quick hug and walking quickly to join Sadie and Evan.

Tina finished getting what she wanted from the store she was in and started walking outside to the next shop. She saw a coffee shop and stopped for a quick latte. This was the first time she had had to herself in several days. The guys were great, but unles

s she was at work, there was always one of them with her.

She sat at an outside table, enjoying her time alone and watching people walk by, not really paying attention to what was going on around her. She was just getting ready to leave when a man walked up to her.

“Hey, Whore!” he yelled at her and threw a thick red liquid on her.

Tina screamed and looked down. What the fuck? What the hell was happening?

Suddenly several people surrounded her, asking if she was okay and trying to help her clean up. One man took off after the person who had attacked her and another was calling the police.

Tina was stunned and didn’t know what to do.

“Honey, do you have someone you can call?” one of the bystanders asked.

Tina gave a little smile and started digging in her purse, which had missed most of the mess, for her phone. Quickly finding the number the boys had set up, which would call both their phones at once, she hit the send button. When they answered, she broke up and started crying. The person who had suggested she call had to take the phone explain the situation. The boys promised to be there as soon as possible.

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