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“Fuck,” Kevin said, “I knew we shouldn’t have let her go alone. Where the hell is Sadie?” He was pissed and didn’t care who knew it. Kurt was driving frantically and Kevin didn’t care, he just wanted to get there. Quickly calling Evan to find out what was going on, he glared at his brother, daring him to go faster.

Kurt read his brother’s mind and hit the gas. Speeding ticket be damned, he’d pay the damn thing. He needed to be with Tina now.

“Shit,” Kurt suddenly said.

“What?” Growled Kevin, now off the phone.

“We should have brought her clean clothes. She’ll want to change. What did Evan say?” Kurt answered.

“We didn’t have time to find her clothes, and Evan said Sadie didn’t feel well and bailed, but Tina wanted to continue shopping on her own. Dave tried to get her to call us, but she wouldn’t. Her ass is so mine,” he finished.

“Yep, brother, you get her first this time, and she just got to the point where she could sit comfortably. We may have to think something else up if she can’t learn to behave.” Kurt grinned evilly.

“You got it, bro,” Kevin answered.Parking the truck, they ran to find their women.

Chapter Fourteen

They found Tina still sitting outside surrounded by several people. She ran into their arms, but stopped short. “I don’t want to get you messy,” she cried.

Not caring, they grabbed her to them and thanking the crowd, led her to the truck. “We’ll just have to all shower together,” Kevin teased her.

She smiled through her tears and leaned into him, Kurt was driving and reached over and put one hand on her thigh, high on her thigh.

She couldn’t believe it. Even though she was covered in this red goo, she was still getting turned on by these two. How could that be? It was like they had a direct path to her clit and all she could think about was being with them when they were around. And it was apparent that they felt the same way. They always seemed to be turned on when she was with them, who else would want to hold someone covered with red goo?

Kevin and Kurt didn’t want to tell Tina this, but they thought the substance she was covered in was some type of animal blood. As soon as they could, they wanted to get her clothes to the crime lab and have them analyzed. They were just glad she wasn’t hurt.

Kevin held her tight while Kurt drove them home, still pissed that they had ever left her alone. She would be lucky to pee alone from now on. He was considering having Kurt stay with her all day at the office. Whether she liked it or not.

When they got home, Kevin carried her through the house and straight to the shower. Kurt was right on their tail.

They all three stripped and went right into the warm water, the men thoroughly washing Tina. Before the shower was done, they had her so aroused, that she couldn’t think of anything else.

Kurt carried Tina to the bed while Kevin sacked up the clothes and took them down to the garage and put them in his truck. He would take them to the crime lab while Kurt got Tina to take a nap before the class tonight. This was the next to the last week of the class and things had been going very well.

After completing his task, he jogged up the stairs to help his brother wear their woman out.

The class went as expected and the remainder of the weekend was quiet. The trio went to Tina’s house so that she could gather some more of her things on Sunday and so that they could check out the house. When everything appeared to be fine, they got what was needed and returned to Kurt and Kevin’s.

They spent the rest of the day kicking back and watching movies, relaxing and enjoying the day until Kevin suggested that Kurt stay at Tina’s office while she was working. Tina flat-out threw a fit and refused. Nothing the men could do convinced her, with her telling them, “Nothing has happened at the office, and nothing is going to. Kurt would just distract me and I need to concentrate on my work.”

The men appeared to let her have her way, secretly agreeing that Kurt would stay in the parking lot for Tina’s building. It wasn’t as good as him being in her office, but that way if she needed him, he would be close. They would also make sure that Margaret, Tina’s secretary, and building security could reach Kurt.

Monday was quiet days with nothing happening and Tina not having a clue Kurt was there. Tuesday changed everything.

Kurt was in a bad mood when it was time to take Tina to work. She didn’t know what had happened, but he had been very sharp with her and nothing she did seemed to please him. Frustrated, she called a taxi and took it to work, which made Kurt even madder. He followed her to work and he had almost caused a huge scene in her office, stomping out before things came to a head.

Tina didn’t know what she had done and spent her morning alternating between being mad at the way he treated her and upset, crying, afraid she had done something wrong.

Lunch time came and both Kevin and Kurt were there to take her to lunch. Kevin was usually too busy to go to lunch, and Tina was very surprised to see him.

“What’s going on?” she asked, hugging and kissing both men.

“We came to take you to lunch and Kurt wants to apologize for this morning,” Kevin said as he walked her to the truck, giving Kurt a glare.

“Okay, but you never have time to do lunch.” Tina looked at Kevin, something was up.

“I know, angel, but we wanted to talk to you, and given my brother’s wonderful mood, I didn’t trust him to do it alone.” He glared at Kurt again.
