Page 40 of State

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She nodded. “You brought me pizza. I’ll be fine.”

Chuckling, I asked, “That all I gotta do to please you? Bring you food after a round of hot-as-fuck sex?”

“Well…” She pushed herself up and leaned against the headboard. The sheet slipped down, showing me her gorgeous tits. Too quickly, she pulled the cover up to tuck under her arms. “Probably,” she admitted with a smile.

“Deal.” I went to kiss her again, but she palmed my face and shoved me back, picking up her pizza. “Evil.”

“You wore me out, Dom. Hungry.” I’d believe it if she’d grabbed her slice and bit into it, but her gaze was locked onto my mouth.

“You’re full of shit.”

She nodded. “I am. Kiss me, please.”

“You got it, little mouse.”

When I openedthe door to Country’s office, he and Death started clapping. “We thought we’d lost you, brother.”

Shaking my head, I ignored their taunts because I was too fucking happy. I took the seat next to Death and opposite Country’s desk. “You gonna give me this good news or what?”

Country straightened, locking his fingers together to rest on the desk. “Ray Bond.”

“It’d better be the best fuckin’ news by tellin’ me the motherfucker got hit by a car or somethin’.”

“A car will be involved,” Death said.

“Give it to me straight, brothers, please.”

“Tech was all over shit last night while you were in jail. He’s got the proof that Ray killed that victim he was tryin’ to pin on you. The dickhead kept the knife, the victim’s wallet, and bloody clothes in his car that Torch searched last night.”

“You’re messin’?”

“We’re not,” Death replied, grinning. “He’s that much of a dumb fuck.”

“More good news. Ray decided to pay Lisa a visit after you got out of jail. The brothers picked him and his car up. He’s in the basement.”

I stood as my heart slammed into my chest. I clenched and unclenched my hands again and again.

The brothers chuckled, and Country held a hand up. “Hold your jets, brother.”

Grinding my teeth together, I sat back down.

“We have a plan,” he continued. “You know we won’t let him get away with fuckin’ with you and killin’ an innocent. He deserves everythin’ he gets. But we also need to be careful. You can’t be involved.”

“What the fuck?”

“Brother, listen. He arrested you, and with what we have planned, he’s gonna try and pin this on the club, but mostly on you. You need a full cover, people to back up where you were. Stick with your woman. Take her out, be seen in public. I know this is a shit deal, but it’s to keep you out of jail.”

I hated this deal. Knowing I wouldn’t be able to get my hands on the cunt had my blood boiling. “What’s the plan with him?”

“Tech, the smart prick, came up with the idea.” Death grinned. “We’ve got his car stashed at his place. He frequents a bar down the road from his house. Boom, who is a similar size and height and kind of looks like him, is gonna stumble in there actin’ drunk, and he’ll be wearin’ the change of clothes and hat we found in his car. He won’t stay long, and because the barman is a friend, he knows to kick him right back out. But it’s proof he went in there smashed.”

“Where’s this goin’?”

Country grinned. “Ray’s gonna get in his car and have a car accident. When the cops arrive, he’ll smell like a brewery. They’ll search the car, find the evidence, and he’ll be arrested.”

It sounded like a good plan. “But what happens if they don’t search the car?”

“Hell, we’ll leave the trunk open so they’ll look in there,” Death said.
