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“He’ll rant and rave that this was all us, but he won’t have anythin’ to stick. Not when he’s drunk off his ass from the alcohol we’ll poor down his throat. They’ll think he’s got it out for us after arresting you. It’ll work,” Country stated.

“Who’s crashin’ the car?”

They both looked at me.

Snorting, I shook my head. “Torch.”

“Yeah, the brother’s excited about it.”

Not only was Torch an adrenaline junkie, but he got a little crazy when it came to protecting the club.

“Brother, I’ve got faith. I just fuckin’ hate sittin’ back and not bein’ involved.”

They both grinned. “The best part we haven’t told you is, good old Ray needs to be knocked around a little to make it look like it was him who crashed the car.”

Adrenaline pumped through my veins, and I grinned back. “Let’s get this show on the road then.”

Down in the basement, I found Ray sitting on a chair, not tied, not bound, just sitting there glaring at the brothers who surrounded him. Quake, Tech, Wreck, and Torch. What probably kept him staying put was the way Torch was dancing around him with his blowtorch in his hand.

“Reason number twenty this tool is good to burn people with.” Torch leaned into him. “I like the way my victims squeal and plead, but they know they fucked with the wrong people, and there ain’t no escape.”

Torch spotted us, straightened, and started cackling. “Looks like the party’s about to start.” He bounced over to the wall of tools and placed the blowtorch back where it belonged, turning with a clap of his hands.

Ray’s gaze locked on Country and me while Death slipped further into the room. “Do you know how much trouble you’ll all be in? I’m a police officer. You’re all going to rot in jail.”

Country nodded to Death where he stood behind Ray. Death leaned over him and pinched Ray’s jaw to open it just as Wreck and Torch grabbed his arms, holding him down.

Quake moved in front of Ray and helped Death pry his mouth open. Death poured some bourbon down and stepped back. Ray coughed and sputtered, spilling it down over the front of himself.

“You can’t do this,’ he rasped and coughed again.

Chuckling, I stepped closer. “You’ll soon realize, Ray, that we can do fuckin’ anythin’.”

“Tech?” Country called.

Tech moved over to the counter and picked up an iPad. “We’ve got an hour to play and get him out to the spot.”

“Plenty of time.” I nodded.

They held Ray down again and poured more liquid down his throat.

He thought being a cop made him invincible.

He thought he could mess with me. Mess with the club.

He thought he could kill someone and get away with it.

He would slowly work out he couldn’t, and by the end of the day, he’d know it for sure.

“Enough for now. I want him coherent.”

Ray stopped coughing and looked up at me. “She’ll never be yours—”

Laughing, I shook my head. “You dumb fuck, she was never mine in the first place. She only told you I was hers to get you off her back.”

“No, she wouldn’t.”

“You killed an innocent for someone who acted like she was into you… because it was her fucking job. You let your obsession fuck up your life, and you chose wrong when you came after me and my brothers. Now you’ll know. Now you’ll learn. And pay.”
