Page 24 of Not Quite Roommates

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Lacy founda spot next to Phoebe for happy hour. Phoebe had been the first official employee at Taylor and King. She and Morgan were besties. Phoebe would talk to everyone and include Lacy in the conversation. It made sense to sit here.

And even though another seat remained open across the table, Jonah claimed the chair next to her. His thigh settled against her thigh, but he didn’t comment about it. Those weird feelings swirled through her again. They did anytime he drew close to her.

Unless she wanted to sit in Phoebe’s lap, she would be stuck mostly pressed up against him. As it was, the tendrils of Phoebe’s red hair brushed against Lacy’s shoulder a little as Phoebe turned to talk to Claire.

Fortunately, Logan sat across from Lacy so she’d be able to focus on him instead of Jonah and his warmth. She still couldn’t believe they were going out tomorrow. Yes, it was a group thing, but it was more progress than in the past few months. And yes, it was because of Jonah, but she wasn’t one to turn down an opportunity.

“I’m getting shots for the table.” Phoebe slid out of her seat. She had a few years on Lacy and a ton more experience when it came to men and wasn’t afraid to share details. She also could drink a lot without getting falling-down drunk, unlike Lacy.

Lacy tried to get her attention to say no shot for her, but Phoebe had already left. Oh well, one shot wouldn’t be the death of her. It would also prove to Logan she could hang out with the big kids at the popular table. One drink was usually her limit or sticking to wine, but she wanted to show Logan she could be fun.

“How was your first week?” Claire asked. She sat next to Logan but unlike Jonah, Logan actually gave her space.

“Good.” Jonah leaned forward and his thigh pressed more into Lacy’s.

Manspread much? She should press back to reclaim her space, but she didn’t want to engage in a petty battle with Jonah either. They seemed to have reached a truce in their relationship. Instead, she waited until Logan’s gaze collided with hers and she gave him a shy smile before dropping her gaze, then she lifted her gaze back to his. Flirting. Supposedly, according to the internet.

“You used to travel a lot for your old job, right?” Claire’s smile seemed pleasant, but there was a hint of interest there. Maybe? Did Claire have a thing for Jonah? Maybe tomorrow’s night out was for Claire to get to know Jonah better, which would leave Logan for Lacy. She couldn’t stop the smile on her face, even as a rock settled inside her chest.

“Eighty percent of the job was travel. I barely had a place to call home. Parker Anderson was a global advertising firm. We went where the work was.” Jonah leaned his elbows on the table. “Figured it was time to try to find myself some roots.”

“This is the city to do it in. Everything you need is here.” Logan stretched his feet out under the table and accidentally bumped one of Lacy’s.

Was it on purpose? She didn’t think so, but she couldn’t help the little lift in her chest. The little thrill she got when he was near. Was he flirting with her?

“I’m back, bitches.” Phoebe set the shot glasses in the middle of the table. She grabbed hers and held it up. Only the five of them had been able to come out tonight so they had a smaller table than usual. The bar, however, was packed.

Phoebe waited until everyone lifted their shot glass before saying, “Everyone has a way to get home, right?”

Everyone nodded, so Lacy did too.

Phoebe grinned. “Let’s get shitfaced. To the fucking weekend. Cheers!”

After tapping everyone’s glass, Lacy took a deep breath and held it before downing the shot. It burned through her chest. When it hit in her stomach, she gasped.

Jonah turned. His mouth pressed against her ear. His hot breath made tingles shoot through her. “I’ll make sure you get home okay.”

A shiver passed over her, but she just smiled at Logan. All her energy needed to be focused on Logan and not Jonah. She’d wasted all week watching Jonah. But not tonight.

Apparently, everyone thought it was a good idea to do shots because another shot appeared. Lacy usually wasn’t a big drinker, but with Phoebe and Claire, she at least needed to try to keep up. After all, Jonah would make sure she got home.

“So, how do you like the office?” Claire leaned against the table and Lacy got a good view of Claire’s cleavage pointed at Jonah.

“It seems like a good fit for me.” Jonah’s thigh bumped into Lacy.

She’d only had two shots so far, leaving her rather gushy inside. Otherwise, she was doing just fine. Better than fine. Superb.

“How long were your assignments at the other company?” Claire played with the straw in her water.

Lacy should be taking notes because this was real life flirting happening in front of her. Of course, if she stroked a straw, she’d probably look ridiculous and not sexy. And while Lacy had some cleavage, it wasn’t as impressive as Claire’s.

“Usually changed locations about every two to three weeks. I’d be ready to move on if it lasted a month.”

“That’s crazy.” Claire flicked her hair over her shoulder. She had gorgeous dark hair that kept a soft curl all day. “How often were you at the home office?”

“Not much.” Jonah’s hand went to Lacy’s thigh and she sucked in a breath. His warmth spread up her thigh. “I didn’t even keep an apartment in L.A. It wasn’t worth the expense.”
