Page 25 of Not Quite Roommates

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At that statement, Lacy looked up at Jonah and wanted to wrap her arms around him. He needed a hug. She couldn’t imagine not having a place of her own. Somewhere to call home.

Jonah’s gaze collided with hers. If she were drunker, she’d probably hug him and not think twice about it. He gently squeezed her thigh like saying it was okay. He got pulled into a conversation with Logan. Phoebe tapped on her shoulder, drawing her attention away.

Everyone talked over everyone else. They talked about the week and what to do around the city for fun. Jonah told a story about a travel delay overnight in an airport with sixty other passengers that had everyone laughing. That was before the third shot appeared. Lacy didn’t even feel the liquor go down that time and everything had a hazy glow around it. Some things went quicker and some slowed down.

A few appetizers showed up and again Jonah’s lips touched her ear. “Eat or I’ll be carrying you home.”

Shivers went down her spine and settled into a warmth in her gut. Her insides glowed. She turned to look at him and got caught in his blue eyes for a moment before he smiled and returned to the conversation.

The chatter went on around her and Lacy knew she participated, but she couldn’t recall what they talked about or even what she said. A glass of water appeared before her and she looked up to see Jonah smiling at her.

She smiled back and leaned into his warmth. Everything felt different tonight, likely because of the booze, but she wasn’t worried. Everyone was laughing and having a good time.

Claire gave her an odd look once, but it was there and gone so quick Lacy was pretty sure she imagined it. Another shot appeared. Lacy drank it without even a thought.

Logan leaned across the table to Jonah when Claire and Phoebe disappeared. Where had they gone? Was she supposed to go too? When she started to rise, Jonah’s hand pressed down on her thigh. She glanced at him, but his attention was directed on Logan. Maybe Jonah had a crush on Logan too.

“Claire is awesome. I don’t normally have friends that are girls, but she’s the best. When we go out tomorrow, you’ll see.” Logan lifted a glass of beer to his lips. Man, he had nice lips.

“The whole office seems like good people.” Jonah’s hand remained on her thigh. His thumb stroked back and forth lightly. Tingles danced along her veins from his touch. His hand seemed really warm. Lacy placed her hand over his to see if it was really that warm.

“Claire is one of the guys. Emily is friendly. Phoebe is awesome and knows the best places to find a hookup.” Logan stopped.

“What about Lacy?” Jonah asked.

“Yeah, what about me?” Lacy swore there were two of Logan across from her now. She squeezed her eyes shut and then opened them, but they stayed as two. So weird. Maybe she only liked one of them. That would be awkward. She giggled.

“I’ve never seen Lacy drunk before.” Logan smiled that soft smile of his. “She’ll probably forget I said this, but Lacy is cute. She’s like the office puppy or kitten. Everyone wants to take care of her. Just like a little sister.”

That was sweet. Jonah squeezed her thigh and her goofy grin dropped as she turned to him. His beard looked weird. Like it was all tangled up together like wires. She reached out and touched it. Huh, it was softer than she thought it would be. His lips looked soft too. Maybe she’d touch those too.

“Yup, Lacy’s drunk.” Phoebe returned to her seat. “She’s officially cut off.”

Lacy kept her fingers in Jonah’s beard and turned to Phoebe. The room spun just a little around her. “I’m not drunk.”

Phoebe smiled at her and patted Lacy’s hand on the table. “Of course not, dear.”

* * *

Jonah swallowedas Lacy’s fingers started stroking his beard. Yeah, she was gone.

“Logan and I are heading out. Are you going to be able to get her home?” Claire didn’t look worried for Lacy at all. They all said they wanted to protect her, but not from him. If he wasn’t a stand-up guy, he could totally take advantage of Lacy. He wouldn’t, but how could they know that? They’ve known him all of a week.

“I’ve got her.” Jonah definitely wouldn’t be leaving her in the care of someone like Logan. Turns out, Lacy was a handsy drunk. Her finger lightly brushed the corner of his mouth, sending warmth pulsing through his system. Sensations he would definitely be ignoring or at least attempting to ignore.

“We’ll see you tomorrow night. I’ll text you the deets.” Logan stood and headed with Claire to the door.

“What about you?” Jonah looked at Phoebe. “Are you going to be okay to get home or do you want to catch a ride with us?”

“I’m waiting for the bartender to get off in an hour, so we can both get off.” She winked and smiled at Lacy, who still seemed enthralled with his beard. “You good to get this one home?”

“We live together,” Lacy said and smiled at Phoebe.

Jonah chuckled. “Yeah, I’ll make sure she makes it to her bed before passing out.”

Phoebe laughed and headed toward the bar, leaving just the two of them.

Jonah looked down at Lacy who still seemed enthralled with his beard.
