Page 30 of Unbroken

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“One,” she started in a low, exceedingly controlled voice, pointing a finger in JT’s direction, “ you do not cuss in my face. Two, that should be obvious and also none of your business.” She pulled herself up to her whole 5′3, hands on her hips and glowered at her brother. “This is my house, too, and I’m a grown woman. Now, can you be civil or should we head out to Roy’s Diner for breakfast?”

JT glowered back for several long seconds and Zane was pretty sure they were going to be going out for breakfast. He took in the fire in her eyes. It may be brunch if I need to help her change and wash pancake batter out of her hair. He loved seeing his Maggie warm and caring, and passionate Maggie last night was an exceedingly nice surprise, but this fierce Maggie, she was something to behold. Fierce Maggie was doing something to him in his belly, and lower. Even if JT agreed to cook for them, it may have to be brunch after all.

Zane watched as some kind of silent communication passed between the siblings. Finally, JT's posture relaxed a fraction but he raised his eyebrows at her. Her eyes narrowed at him one more time, getting the final 'word' before continued trying to wipe brown goo off of herself.

Zane saw JT start to open his mouth again, but Zane stepped in. He grabbed Maggie by the waist and easily threw her over his shoulder in a fireman's carry. She squealed in surprise but then giggled in delight. “You’d better turn off the waffle maker, man. Looks like I’m going to have to take your sister to get cleaned up, and it may take a while,” he said cheekily.

Zane enjoyed seeing JT’s mouth drop open in shock but then clamp closed. He couldn’t be sure, but he thought he might have seen a smile starting to tug at the man’s lips before he carried Maggie out of the kitchen and down the hall.

An hour or so later, Zane and Maggie finally made it back to the kitchen to find a note propped up on the table “Brunch in the warming oven. Gone to the cafe to play with some recipes. – JT”

They dug hungrily into the perfectly crisp bacon and waffles with maple syrup JT had left for them. Zane had to admit the man must not be all bad if he left them food. As he wiped his mouth and dropped his napkin on his plate, he eyed the maple syrup bottle and waggled his eyebrows at her suggestively. Maggie’s eyes widened in comprehension. “Oh, no you don’t, Zane Savage!”

“Aww, c’mon Maggie, we have to wash the sheets anyway. You know how much I love sweet stuff,” he said, picking up the bottle and rolling it between his hands.

She shook her head and tried to throw him a stern expression. In truth, his need for her made her feel desirable and powerful in a way she never had before. "I just got my hair washed and I'm not letting that syrup in my bedroom." She paused and a small grin played at her lips before she added, "Right now."

Zane leaned across the table and sipped at her lips which were still swollen from his earlier attentions. "I'll let you off the hook this time, baby, but I'll remember that 'right now'.

Maggie brought a piece of golden-brown waffle dripping with syrup to her lips and put it in her mouth with deliberate slowness. Her lips turned up in happy anticipation as she chewed.

Dani and Levi strode up to JT who was sitting on a bench outside the cafe. He had a pile of wood shavings at his feet and was shaving wood off a stick like it did something to his mama. I didn’t even know people still whittled.

“Whatcha makin’?” Dani asked, plopping down next to JT on the bench. She pushed at him with a hip until he scooted over enough to let Levi sit on her other side.

“A sharp stick,” JT announced in a voice that sounded like he’d really like to stab someone on the eye with said sharp stick.

“Hmmm, so it is,” Dani said, giving Levi a pointed glance, raising one red brow. “Um, honey, why don’t you go get us some coffee from Roy’s?”

“But you don’t drink...”

“And a Diet Dr. Pepper for me,” Dani interrupted, rolling her eyes towards JT in silent communication.

“OOOkay,” Levi agreed, be back in a jiff.

“So, what’s the matter?” she asked JT as she watched her fiancée amble off toward Roy’s. He really is such a great guy. And that ass!

“Who said anything’s the matter?” JT responded continuing to whittle his stick down to needle sharpness.

“Well, I’ve never known a man to whittle without something serious to ponder,” she said. “Hell, I’ve never known anyone to whittle at all. I’m just assuming based on TV trivia knowledge.”

JT gave her a side eye, but then just continued his work.

“And based on that mountain of sawdust you’ve got piled at your feet, I’d say something big is going on. So spill, already.

JT flaked a few more pieces of wood off his stick then sighed and dropped his hands to his knees. He didn’t look at Dani but gazed blankly toward the street. “I woke up with Dr. Savage coming in my kitchen.”

Dani gaped at him. “Coming….?”

“Not like that! Jesus, Dani!” JT’s normally tan skin flushed. “From bedroom hallway, not from the living room and the front door.”

Dani did a little dance of joy – in her head. Finally, Maggie and Zane were doing the horizontal tango. She worked mightily to keep her face serious. “And this is a problem because....” she prompted.

JT turned a death stare on her. “Because a man spent the night with my baby sister!”

Dani rolled her eyes at him. “Oh, for fuck’s sake, JT. She’s almost thirty years old and you’re only a little over a year older than her. Give the woman a break. You’ve never brought a woman home that Maggie had to make nice with the next morning?”

“That’s different,” he grumbled.
