Page 4 of A Million to Stay

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Chapter 2

The Decision


A month later…

I sit in my room, balled up on my bed. I feel so stupid. This is all my fault.

I was so happy to have the assistant of a private client contact me for a meeting. Sidney and I have been climbing the ladder in the financial district. My girl is doing her thing, but I’m hot on her heels.

A big client was just what I needed to get things going for me. I needed the chance to show what I can do. Taking a lunch wasn’t unusual.

What should have tipped me off just a little was the fact it was my favorite restaurant, from when I dated him. Second, I should have noted the private room.

Brodi had spoiled me back then. I always felt bad for lying to him. I was just in such disbelief someone his age was interested in me.

Someone his age who looked so freaking gorgeous. With his strawberry-blond waves, gray eyes, those full lips, and his height, he was what dreams were made of. Brodi has always towered over me, even now, at five-eleven, he’s half a foot taller than me.

Back then he made me feel like a god had fallen from the heavens and chosen me. I was so eager to please him and had told him I was twenty-one before I could stop myself. I never dreamed he’d believe me or that we would date for so long.

I knew back then Brodi was wealthy and out of my league. We met in a coffee shop of all places. I’d been on a coffee run for the managers at the summer internship I had landed. All junior year, Sidney and I had sold candy bars in the neighborhood to earn money to go to Century 21 for our summer internship attire.

We’d been proud of the looks we pulled together on a budget. Gaining Brodi’s attention had only been the icing on the cake. I still own the red pumps, black slacks, and cream blouse I wore that day.

“You have a beautiful smile,” he whispered in my ear as I looked down at a text Sidney sent me from the cheap phones we pooled together to get on a shared plan.

When I looked up, I felt my breath whoosh from my lungs. He was gorgeous. Something about those eyes. They were an arresting gray, sucking me right in.

“Thank you.” I blushed and wanted to kick myself.

“I was just leaving.” He held up his cup for me to see. “But I couldn’t leave without knowing your name and asking for your number.”

My heart hammered and my palms started to sweat. I wanted to squeal. My mind screamed for me to tell him I was in high school, but my heart told me to do whatever was necessary to hold his attention. He looked older, not in a time roughen way, but I knew he wasn’t in high school.

“My name is Chloe and I’ll take your number instead,” I purred like I was all grown up.

When he gave me a crooked smile from those full lips, my knees threatened to give. He sauntered over to the counter, murmuring something to the pretty barista. She smiled back at him, handing over a pen. He retrieved a napkin, then jotted something down on it.

When he stood before me once more, his long fingers held the napkin out to me. “I’ll be waiting for your call at eight.” He winked. “Don’t be late.”

I called at eight on the dot. I couldn’t believe the incredible conversations I’d been able to hold with him. I knew I fell in love with him. I was so in awe that he had fallen in love with me as well.

When he learned the truth, I could see the hurt and anger in his eyes. It tore right through me. My heart was broken when he said we could no longer be together.

I never thought I’d see him again. Never. When I walked into that private room—those gray eyes taking me in—my heart was torn from my chest all over again.

However, he had healed it. For another six months, I had Brodi in my life to heal that old pain. We fell right back into our relationship, like nothing ever happened.

Brodi wined and dined me. He showered me with expensive gifts, but what was most precious to me was his words of love. We never had an encounter without him telling me how much he loved me or how much he missed me during our time apart.

“I love you, Cee. You have no idea how much I love you,” he’d whisper.

I, on the other hand, held back this time. So afraid to get hurt and lost in him. I wouldn’t dare let myself open up. I dripped pieces of me into our relationship.

The more comfortable I became the more I gave. I’ve always known Brodi had his own secrets. He never talked about his life, despite asking me about mine.

No, that’s a lie. Brodi shared about the pressure his dad placed on him. It seemed to be the one thing in his life that stressed him.
