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The clock is ticking closer and closer toward six. As much as I love talking advertising, Brielle’s blouse buttons keep catching the light and the impulse to rip her shirt open and send those buttons flying is enough to make me antsy. Sitting across the conference table from her is just too far.

The assistant subtly shows Brielle the time, and our girl runs her hand through her hair. “Oh! Kelly, you’ve got kickboxing tonight. Right?”

“I do, but I can always go another day.” Even I can tell that’s not what she wants, and I couldn’t be happier to agree.

“I think we’re about done here.” Brielle makes little shooing motions with her hands. “Go. Have fun. We’ll work on contracts Monday morning. Have a good weekend.”

Kelly leans over and gives Brielle a hug. “You’re sure?” She’s already standing and gathering her things as she asks.

“One hundred percent. Say hi to Brian for me.”

My relief at seeing the assistant getting ready to leave evaporates. Brian? Who the fuck is Brian? I’m scowling like a petty little bitch, but I can’t help it. And when I glance over at Mal and Thorin, they’re wearing identical frowns.

The second Kelly is out the door, Thorin leans over the table. “Who’s Brian?”

Brielle, pleased to have the upper hand for a second, arches an eyebrow at him. “That’s really none of your business.” From the lobby, we hear the elevator ding. Thorin grunts and stands up. “What are you doing?” Brielle asks as he circles the table.

“What’s your safe word?” he growls.

Brielle spins in her chair to face him. “Why?” she asks, a grin spreading across her face.

Thor leans over her, his palms pinning her forearms to the chair’s armrests. “Because I’m about to put you on your knees and fuck the sass out of that gorgeous mouth while those two watch. And when I’m done, they’re going to take a turn.”

Brielle glances sideways at Mal and I through lust-hooded eyes and wets her lips. “Is that what you want? You just want to sit there and watch?”

I nod. “For now…” Brielle’s eyes flare and her breathing picks up. She squirms in her seat, just a bit, but more than enough to give away her excitement. I’d bet good money on the state of her panties right now.

She looks back up at Thorin. “We need ground rules first.”

“New ones or changing ones?” I can practically hear him purring. Dude likes his boundaries. Mostly so he knows how far he can take things. It’s like a challenge for him.

“New ones,” she breathes. “This is my place of business. Monday through Friday, and sometimes on Saturdays, I’m off-limits from eight am to six pm. You will not interfere with my company or my ability to run it.”

The three of us glance at the clock ticking away on the wall. Tick-tick-tick. 5:58 pm. “Agreed,” Thorin replies. “And by extension of that stipulation, we get you after six.”

“For how long?” There’s a sliver of vulnerability in her voice. Mal catches it, and I can already tell Thorin’s made a mental note of it from the way his expression softens. Some subs tolerate and even enjoy being punished with abandonment, but it’s pretty clear that won’t sit well with her.

“Day to day? We’ll make sure you’re well rested, fed, and at work on time every morning except Sunday and the Saturdays you take off. As for long term, I already told you. You’re ours until you want out. You can safe word anytime and we’ll stop. We’ll figure it out. One way or another.”

Tick-tick-tick. Shit. That was a leap we should have talked about before he said it. I get that he’s not willing to let her go, and I’m right there with him, but Mal, the king of commitment phobia, is going to freak out.

It’s not his fault, really. Getting your balls and heart stomped on by a cold-hearted she-devil can do that to a guy. Even one as tough as Mal. Tick-tick-tick.

I glance over at him, dreading his reaction and already trying to think of a way to smooth things over. But he doesn’t balk at all. Instead, he’s watching her face with deep focus and fascination.

Tick-tick-tick. I shouldn’t be excited by his reaction, but for the first time in my life, I can see myself with someone. Even better, I could see Brielle with all three of us. I know that’s a big fucking leap, but deep in my bones, this feels… different. Tick-tick-tick.

Brielle glances at the clock and we all follow her eyes. 5:59 and 50 seconds. Tick-tick-tick. She bites her lip and inhales, holding it for so long my heart can’t take it.

