Page 28 of The Crush Next Door

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After such a crazy morning and a very long, hot walk with Josh, I was exhausted—both physically and emotionally. If I was being honest, there was something strange going on that I didn't want to even acknowledge to myself. But I needed to think about it a bit.

I took a cool shower, soaping the sweat off my body, thinking long and hard about what was happening. The truth I needed to face was a growing attraction to Josh. I knew it wasn't right. It was all kinds of wrong. And if Devon knew, he'd be devastated just as I would be if the opposite were to happen... if he were attracted to someone else.

Why exactly was I attracted to Josh? Did it mean something?

No, it couldn't. It meant absolutely nothing. I was madly in love with my fiancé.

It was just because Josh was extraordinarily handsome. I mean, Chris Hemsworth gave me heart flutters too. But it wasn't like I was going to go running off with him, you know, even if he were available.

Devon was extremely handsome too in a very different way. While Josh was sunny, outgoing, and open, Devon was deeper, more mysterious with his dark eyes and jet black hair.

I had invested two years of my life into Devon, and he was really the perfect man. Maybe it was simply because I missed him terribly. I hated being apart like this. Truthfully, I despised it.

Every night, I missed having him beside me in bed. I missed having sex. I missed cuddling. I missed hearing those three magic words in my ear before sleep hit me. I missed waking up with him. I fucking missed it all.

And the worst part? I had no idea when he'd be back.

Annoyed as hell, I shut off the water, jumping when Josh's shower knobs squeaked to life a second later.

That certainly gave me pause. Right this instant, on the other side of the wall, inches away, a naked Josh stood in his shower. It didn't take much for me to imagine his flawless chest since I'd seen it so damn often.

Closing my eyes, I took it further, picturing him lathering up his arms, his muscles flexing with every movement. I could almost see the water dripping off his body, the droplets running down the planes of his chest, over his sculpted abs, farther down to the V by his hips that I'd noticed, and then...

Oh, God. My breathing began to quicken.

A beeping from the bedroom caught my attention, and I grabbed my towel, quickly wrapping it around me, fighting the flood of shame I felt.

What the hell was wrong with me? Damn it! I was terrible. I was the absolute worst.

Whipping the shower curtain aside, I stomped out of the tub and roughly dried myself, cursing my stupidity the whole time. I was just horny. That was all. Devon and I had a very active sex life before, and I missed it desperately. That was it. I just needed some action.

Taking a deep breath and letting it all go, I tossed on my clothes and went to the bedroom to check my phone that I'd thrown on my bed earlier.

Devon: Hey, love, are you home tonight?

Aw, why was that so sweet to me?

Me: I am. What's up?

Devon: Will you go on a date with me tonight?

What? What did that mean?

Me: Sure. But how?

Devon: You'll see. Be ready and hungry at 6?

Me: Will do. Can't wait! I love you!

Devon: Love you too!

God, he was the best. See? I loved my fiancé. I was in love with my fiancé. It was just the absence that was getting to me. That was it.

Several hours later, after researching a ton about podcasts, my phone buzzed for the outside gate. I checked the time. Six o'clock on the dot. Hmmm.

"I have a delivery for Jessica Santoro," a voice said when I answered.
