Page 67 of The Crush Next Door

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"What?" I gasped. "That was not part of our agreement, you turd."

He let out a loud chuckle as he shrugged. "Just thought I'd try."

I held up my index finger. "One game. That's all you get."

"Well, technically, you owe me three other games still."

"Hey, I at least won onceif I recall correctly."

He nodded. "This is true. But I'm batting .800. So..."

Laughing, I rolled my eyes at his ridiculous analogy then gasped. "Oh, my God, that reminds me! You are never going to guess who I ran into picking up my, um, prescription."

Staring at me, he asked, "Who?"

I paused a moment, drawing out the suspense. "I ran into—drum roll, please—Matt Blaze!"

"What?" Josh seemed stunned. "Are you serious?"

"One-thousand percent serious. Yep." I nodded, my wide eyes matching Josh's expression. "And even better, guess what else?"

"I have no idea. What?"

"He's going to check out our podcast," I squealed.

Josh jumped up, his mouth hanging open. "For real?"

"For real!"

His sudden hug startled me as we both laughed. And when he started spinning me, Magic barked his big head off, trying to jump on us and be part of the action.

Setting me down, Josh grabbed Magic's paws, doing their silly dance, while we all whooped it up. Once the excitement passed, I filled Josh in on the entire story, and he was just as thrilled as I was.

"This has potential, bro," he said, eyeing me from his spot back on the couch.

"Right? I'm fully prepared to stalk all of Matt Blaze's social media."

"Same." Josh laughed as we both became occupied with our phones, doing exactly that. "So when are you taking me to a game?"

"Just pick one out," I said, refreshing Matt Blaze's Twitter feed. "Whatever. I don't care really."

"Whoa, sore loser much?"

"Maybe a little."

I was actually quite competitive. But I wasn't very experienced in the world of betting. And clearly, it was not my 'sport.'

For a moment, we were both silent, still looking at our phones. But something occurred to me just then, and without thinking, of course, I blurted it out. "So at least you don't have to be celibate anymore," I said.

Josh glanced up at those words. "Nah. I'm still gonna keep going with that."

Honestly, that surprised me. Josh could be a total player and hook up with a girl every night if he wanted to. He was that good-looking with a killer body to match.

Something else popped into my brain, a question I'd had about celibacy, and being so comfortable with Josh, I decided to appease my curiosity.

"So I've been wondering something..." I began.

Those blue eyes stared at me. "Yeah? What's that?" he asked, already skeptical.
