Page 88 of The Crush Next Door

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"He's... well, he's taught me to think about things differently, you know? Think things through before I blurt them out."

"Oh. People actually do that?"

We both laughed, but then, what she actually said dawned on me. "Wait a sec. That sounds a bit Devon-ish with the grammar. Please tell me he doesn't correct you."

"No. God, no. It's more that I'm learning from watching him. Learning to pause, think, then speak."

"Oh, good. I was going to have to give him a talking-to. But me and the good doctor are okay now."

"Well, I'm glad," she said, sending her eyes to the ceiling. "Now, back to you."


"So about this Josh thing..." She eyed my empty plate before continuing. "I think you guys have amazing potential."

I felt my brows shoot up in surprise. "You do?"

"Absolutely. Way more potential than you and Devon, pardon me for saying."

"No worries." I sighed as I touched my now ringless finger.

"But I think you should wait a bit, let yourself really heal," she went on. "I mean, you're coming out of a two-year relationship that was serious. Living together, engaged. Just, you know, give it a bit of time, maybe? Be patient?"

"You know how patient I am." I could never have waited four years like she had done with Dr. Haute. The girl knew how to play the long game.

She gave me a knowing smile. "Well, sometimes, good things are worth the wait."
