Page 79 of United Loyalties

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I’m beside myself with worry. It’s been hours since we’ve heard anything from the guys.

“Cam, lovely, you need to sit down. You’re just working yourself up,” Nell soothes as she bobs a very fussy Andrea up and down to soothe him.

“Surely we should have heard from them by now.” I glance at my watch. “It’s been hours. I’m going to pop next door and ask Enzo if he’s spoken to them.”

I grab my shoes and make my way to the door when it opens.

Alessandro stands there, his white shirt covered in blood.

“What happened?” I ask horrified and worried that he’s injured.

I’m also questioning why he’s turned up here covered in blood. Not that Andrea or Sofia have any idea what’s going on. But normally our men would change before coming home.

Al doesn’t say a word as he walks past me heading straight toward our room. I stare after him, confused by his entrance.

“Girls, grab your bits. We need to go,” Leo commands.

“Shouldn’t we stay? Do you need us to stay, Cam?” Bea offers.

“Uccellino,we’re going, get Sofia ready.” Leo’s tone leaves no room for protest.

Beatrice being Beatrice purses her lips. “Cam? Do you need Nell to stay? You could stay, right, Nell?” Bea ignores Leo completely.

Leo walks over to his wife and whispers in her ear. Whatever he says makes her scrunch up her nose.

“Antonella can stay at my place if you’d like her closer, Cam? I’m sure Mel and Sergio wouldn’t mind staying at mine tonight so Antonella and I are not alone.” Max gives me a sad smile as he leans against the doorframe.

I look to Nell who looks paler than ever with her porcelain complexion. I’m not sure why I would need someone close by. Al would never hurt me. That I’m sure of. But his behavior is odd and out of character for him, maybe it would make me feel better to have Nell close by.

“I… I guess that would be okay. If you agree. Leo.” Nell looks to Leo for instruction.

“It’s fine with me if Mel and Sergio don’t mind. I’m not having any more fuck ups. I’ve already had to assure my father that something like this won’t happen again,” Leo huffs like he has had enough of this conversation.

“I can assure you Antonella will be safe in my guest room.” Max grunts.

Nell looks like she’s going to burst with embarrassment by the redness of her cheeks. She really needs to learn to school her emotions.

“Mel and I will come up to yours then, Maximus.” Sergio confirms as he walks over to me and pulls me into a hug. “I’ll be just over the hall, sweets.” He places a kiss to my temple as he releases me from his hold.

Leo frowns at Sergio’s open display of affection.

“Right, everyone out. Now.” Leo commands.

“Let me know if you need me, okay?” Nell whispers as she reaches up to kiss my cheek and places Andrea in my arms.

Once everyone has left, I quietly make my way into the bedroom with Andrea. He’s due a feed, but rather than nurse him in his nursery, I’ll just feed him in bed. He settles better that way anyway.

When I enter the room, I can hear the shower on, but I don’t disturb him. I turn off the light and pull back the covers and slip into bed. Andrea nurses for nearly an hour, mostly for comfort, I think. I start to worry, though, as Al has been in the shower for over an hour now, I finally hear him turn the water off.

He enters the room but still doesn’t say anything. I have my nursing lamp on which emits a soft glow over the room. Al knows I’m awake but doesn’t utter a word. I’m feeling really uncomfortable with the silence but I don’t want to push him to speak. Something awful must have happened for him to not want to speak to me. He hasn’t even looked at me or Andrea since coming in the door. I know it’s not about us, but it doesn’t make his behavior any less hurtful.

I place a kiss to Andrea’s head and settle him in his crib.

Pulling the covers up, I roll over and wait for sleep to take me.
