Page 100 of A Change Of Heart

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Jason returned to his empty apartment with a pain so great he knew now how it felt to have a broken heart.He didn't blame her for throwing him out, he deserved it.

She was right.He should have trusted her instincts and tried to make friends with him too—get to know him before tossing him back on the street.Why would she ever trust him?Not telling her was like a betrayal.

Chucking his dress clothes, he got into his sleep pants and turned the TV on.The background noise didn't help.His head throbbed, his chest felt tight, he had a dull ache that he'd have forever if she wouldn't forgive him.He'd promised he'd never leave her, and he darn well wouldn't!

He needed a plan.A solid plan that would bring her back and make her love and trust him once again.

Jason got up and walked to the desk where he kept his private papers.He pulled out the letter from Doctors Without Borders.An acceptance right now would do more harm than good.He could offer her the world and make all her dreams come true.But only if she said yes.From this day forward, the important decisions would be hers.

Relentlessly, he'd pursue her until he won her back.

Feeling a little more settled he turned off the lights and went to bed.

Next morning he called the hospital and told them he was running a fever.Being that he was 'feverish' to get things started, it was a half-truth.

Jason took a shower, dressed in street clothes, and went to visit his uncle.The patient was sitting up, chatting with a nurse, and picking at his breakfast when he arrived.

"Guess I don't need to ask you how're you're feeling, Henry.You're looking pretty chipper this morning."

"I got a lot to be chipper about.I might be able to save the life of the sweetest girl I've ever known."Henry practically beamed."Feeling so good I might get up and run around the block."

"What about your knees?”Jason asked.“They must be bothering you some."

"They changed my meds, and already they aren't aching so much."

"Great, that's all great."Jason fussed with his pillow, readjusted his water so it would be more reachable, and shifted his plate.

"That's a good healthy breakfast.Cereal, yogurt, egg on toast.Very commendable."

"I'm dieting so that I'll look good enough for this pretty nurse to go out with me.Been trying to get a yes out of her, but she's being reluctant."Henry wagged his brows at her."That's Michelle, Michelle, my nephew Jason."

Michelle blushed and nodded."I'll leave you two alone."She gathered up the discarded towels and hustled out the door.

"Now why did you go and embarrass her for?"Jason shook his head.

"'Cuz I was making headway until you came along.I'm old but not that old."

"Maybe you can help me out a little."In a few simple sentences, Jason told his story."I felt guilty right away and went hunting for Carl.When I found him, I brought him food and tried to counsel him.Told him to go to a shelter and I'd give him money for a motel."

"Guy didn't go for it?"

"He took my money and said, "I'm already home."

Henry clicked his tongue, making a sucking sound."Well, it all doesn't sound that bad to me.Buy your girl some roses and some chocolate then give her some loving.She'll forgive you right away.Guaranteed."

"Wish it could be that easy, but it's not.It's a matter of trust.I blew it."

"Not the first time a young fellow did something behind a girl's back.Won't be the last."

"Uncle Henry, this is serious.I love Stephanie.You know what a great person she is.I also know she loves me, but she's devastated."

"Aw, she's a nice girl, you should treat her better."

Jason wasn't enjoying this conversation.His uncle thought he could snap his fingers and she'd come running back, but he knew differently.She had her pride for one thing.And he did betray her, though not intentionally.How did he know that Carl was such a nice guy?

"Look, I'm asking you for help.And the very idea of asking you of all people for help means I don't have any other place to go.She's more than an employee, she cares about you."

"That's nice to hear.I wasn't always easy on her, but I liked her.She was a good worker, friendly with the customers and if the shop wasn't busy, she'd read to the young 'uns."
