Page 99 of A Change Of Heart

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Chapter Twenty-Six

While Stephanie stashed their coats in her tiny closet, Jason made himself useful and opened the wine.He found two wine glasses in the cupboard alongside of two bowls, two plates, two small water glasses and cups.

Living easy.Not that his place had much more.When you're barely home, stocking up on food was a waste of money.Most ended up in the garbage.

"Hey, beautiful,” Jason said in a seductive tone.“I have your wine.Where would you like to be served?In the living room next to the fireplace, at the elegant dinner table, or in bed?"He gave her a teasing smile and she gave him a slight nudge in the side with her elbow.

"The good news is that you'll never have to live with me.This is like a hobbit's home, but it wasn’t meant for forever.Or for two."

"I'm rather fond of the idea of living with you.Not here of course."He drew her into his arms and showed her in a passionate kiss.

"So, is that your proposal?"She picked up his wine glass and her own."I accept either way.You’re right that this is like fate, giving us a second chance at happiness.Possibly saving Nicole's life.What is I hadn't come here and we never met, how would Nicole be able to get that journal, and a kidney, and a much longer life?"

"God's plan or a miracle, take your pick.It has brought happiness back into our lives, into Henry's, and Nicole's family."They clinked glasses, sipped, and sat at the end of the bed.Jason’s hands were damp.He was starting to sweat, and his insides felt like he'd swallowed a rabbit.After all the chasing he’d done, she was his, and yet...

"That wasn't a proposal so you can't accept it either way.That would make this too easy on me," Jason finally said.He turned to face her."I have something important to say to you but remember I did it out of love."

Steph’s flushed face turned very pale."Okay, you're scaring me."

"I know I am.God, I'm frightened too.When I tell you this, please understand that I never meant to hurt you."

Her fingers tightened on the wine stem."Just tell me.The steak is rolling in my stomach."

He put his glass on the floor and took her free hand."I have a confession to make."

"What?”Her brows rose.“Don't tell me you're gay."

Jason groaned."No, right now that would be the easier choice."

"Would you please tell me what it is!"Her voice cracked."You're killing me here."

Jason cleared his throat."Remember that homeless guy who used to sleep outside your door?I know you've been looking for him, and I was praying you wouldn't find him."

"Carl."Tears welled in her eyes as she searched his face."What did you do to him?"

“Nothing bad!”Jason got down on one knee."I want to propose to you, but it wouldn't be fair until you know the truth."

A tear slid down her cheek and he felt like the biggest jerk in the world.

He set her wineglass aside and held her trembling hands."I paid him to go away."The words were out, and he couldn't ever take them back.This was a weight he'd been carrying around since that night, but confessing didn't help his conscious.

Steph’s brow knit but she didn’t say anything as she absorbed his words and what they meant.He knelt his head on her lap, silently begging forgiveness.

"Why?"The simple question cracked his heart.

He raised his head.The way she looked at him now—that one simple word was like a sword slicing him in half.He’d blown the trust that he'd worked so hard to build.All the promises he'd made, assuring her that he'd never hurt her again.Would he ever get it back?

"I was concerned about you.I did this to protect you because we had no idea who he was, whether he was capable of violence."His voice broke but he was desperate to make her understand."I know you have such an enormous heart.You told me you'd invited him in and I couldn't take the chance of anyone harming you."

"And yet you were the one who sucker-punched me.”Steph pushed him from her and stood.“I'm sorry Jason, but I need time to process this."

Jason stumbled to his feet."I knew I'd made a mistake but couldn't fix it.I saw him a few times in the park and stopped to talk to him, buy him food, offer him money so he could have shelter for the night.We became friends of sorts."

"I don't want to hear this from you."She wrapped her arms around herself and shivered.

"I helped him.He has a place to sleep, three square meals a day.He's working at a shelter, serving meals.Doing a little cooking too."He knew he was talking to deaf ears but had to say one last thing."We've talked about you, and I've apologized to him many times.He says he's in a better place and doesn't judge me for what I did."

Stephanie walked past him and opened the door."Not now, Jason.I know you did it for all the right reasons, but you had so many times you could have told me, yet didn't.I trusted you!"A sob ripped out of her mouth, and she whispered, "please go.”
