Page 101 of A Change Of Heart

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"That's what I'm trying to say.She's a wonderful woman and I want to marry her.So, I'm asking for help."

"How can I help a big shot doctor like you?"

"Glad you asked.You could be my champion.When you're both working you could tell her nice things about me.If you don't remember anything special, I could write you a script.”

“You’re pretty desperate, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am.And I’m not too proud to say so either.”He ran his hand through his hair, wanting to tear it out.“When are you leaving the hospital?Another day or two?"

"Seems like it.Although I'm getting a kick out of teasing my nurse."

Jason stopped himself from rolling his eyes.

"How's Nicole?You haven't mentioned her since I got here."

"Sure, I did.You know the "saved the life of the sweetest gal in the world" line.Well, I said it to impress Michelle, but darn it, I meant it."

"That's a relief.You did a very fine thing, stepping up that way.We might even throw a big welcome home party for you at the bookshop."

"Who's we?"his uncle said, tongue in cheek.

"Stephanie, of course."He felt a little heat rising up his neck.

"Thought she wasn't talking to you."

"Oh, to hell with this.Are you going to help me or not?"

"Of course, I am.All you had to do was ask."

He left his uncle watching an old western and went to find Nicole.Heu was with his wife and they looked so darn happy it choked him up.Both looked well rested and had a new light in their eyes.The operation would be scheduled for the following week as long as there were no complications.

Jason was glad for them, though his own heart was torn in two."How's it going?"

"Good!The doctors are very pleased," Heu answered, holding her hand to his face and grazing it with his lips.

She grinned."Thanks for checking up on me, but how’s Stephanie doing?I haven’t seen or heard from her.”

“My fault.I made a mistake.A big one.Now she won’t answer my texts or calls.She’s innocent."

"Must have been a whopper.Sorry to hear that, bud."Heu punched him lightly on the arm."You'll bounce back, I'm sure."

"I don't want to bounce back.I want Stephanie to marry me.I let her slip away once, never again."

"Go to the bookshop and confront her," Nicole said."She can't escape or ignore you there.Especially if other shoppers are around."

"I might do that, but not today.She needs to get her emotions under control and be willing to see that I did it for her."

Nicole straightened up in the hospital bed."What did you do?You two were crazy about each other.Everyone could see that."

Jason sat down in one of the plastic chairs and spilled the beans.

He was greeted by silence.

"Heu?Nicole?Nothing to say?"

Heulyn opened up first."That was really bad, man.Even if your heart was in the right place."

Nicole shook her head."You have to see it from her side.She trusted you, talked about him often, and you kept it a secret for what—two weeks?You took away her right to make decisions for herself.That's a tough one to forgive."

Didn’t he already know that?"I'm not giving up on her.I'll make her see that she is the only woman for me, and that I can't live without her."

"Listen to your words.'I'll make her see'—those words are controlling."Nicole patted his arm."Sorry, Jason, but you'll have to do better than that."
