Page 102 of A Change Of Heart

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

The night after Jason left, Stephanie threw herself on the bed and sobbed.She knew he'd acted to keep her safe, but she was a grown woman who could choose the people she wanted to help.Carl was always polite, appreciated the food she'd given him, and he made her feel better about herself.

Jason had no right, no rightat allto pay him to go away, and then secretly continue to befriend him.He'd kept Carl away from her and made himself into the good guy!It stung!How could he presume to know what was best for her?

Her pillow was damp from all her tears.The evening wasn't supposed to end this way.He'd been fully prepared to propose to her and make all her dreams come true.She'd have readily accepted had he not bared his soul.Being the moral, upstanding man that Jason was, he couldn't possibly propose without coming clean.Not Jason.He'd never do that to her.

A part of her—the one that still loved him—wished he'd kept the secret, even if it meant he'd continue to live with his own guilt.

Oh, how she'd wanted to say yes.

She took off her clothes and put on flannel pajamas, then used a good moisturizer hoping it would erase the tears.After crawling into bed, she shed a gallon more.They'd had a second chance for happiness, but he'd blown it big time.

The following few days she ignored his calls.She was not ready to talk about it yet.Ignoring her personal problems and heartache, she opened and closed the store every day, faking holiday spirit, then went home to finish her book.

At the end of the week Jason popped into the shop before closing.He looked terrible.So sad.Her heart squeezed seeing him this way.

"Jason?What is it?"She bit her lip, wanting more than ever to just throw herself at him and take away both their pain.

He was silent for a minute or two, then in a toneless voice he told her that the kidney transplant had gone well.

"Yes.Thanks.Henry had called and told me."She swallowed and forced a smile."I'm so glad for all of them."

"They asked about you."His eyes searched hers."They were wondering why you hadn't come around."

"I've been here, working everyday, keeping the business alive until Henry returns.So, what was your answer?"She held her breath and batted back tears.

"I told them the truth.About Carl.And what I'd done."He looked like someone in a world of pain."Guess what?They agreed with you."

"I'm glad, but sorry too.I know you're hurting, Jason, and it's not easy for me either.I wanted to say yes so much that night."She wrung her hands together, averting her gaze.It hurt looking at him.

"Will you ever forgive me?"

"I'm working on it."She gave him a hesitant smile."I'm almost there."

Jason sighed with a touch of relief."I'm not giving up on you.I'm going to go on hounding you until you say yes."His eyes pleaded with her."Please, Steph, just say yes, so we can get beyond this.I'll never, ever make another decision for you so long as I live.Color of paint?Your choice.Want to move to Tahiti, buy the tickets.Want six kids?How soon?"

"Okay, okay," her mouth quirked."I get it.But I need a little longer.A hurt like that doesn't just disappear."

"I understand.Take your time.Tonight.Tomorrow.A year from now.No pressure, I promise."Jason bestowed the slow, sultry smile she so loved."I'll be here waiting."

"Oh, Jason.You know I do love you."Tears filled her eyes and she swiped them away.

The sexy confidence was back on his face, making her heart lighter.

"I will never take that for granted."

"You want more news?Henry and Nicole both need a few more days before they get their walking papers.They'll continue to be monitored, and if all goes without a hitch they'll be released.Nicole's body has endured far more than Henry’s so it's likely she'll be in longer.You might be getting Henry and Charlie back soon."

"Yeah!"She grinned."It will be great to see them both."

"Also, I wanted you to know that Henry and Nicole were side by side when the surgery was performed."

"That's awesome.A happy ending for them."She offered a half-smile."Thanks so much, Jason for coming in here and telling me in person.It means a lot.We'll talk soon, okay?"

"We could have that happy ending too, you know?Just one word from you."

When she didn't meet him halfway the hope faded from his eyes and put a lump in her throat.He turned and walked to the door.They’d suffered so much!It wasn’t worth it to choose pain when love was at her fingertips.
