Page 103 of A Change Of Heart

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His hand was on the door handle when she cried out, "Jason.Stop."She ran to his side and put her arms around him in a big hug."I'll get over this, I know I will."She kissed his cheek."I love you so much."

"Then why?"He drew away from her and lifted her chin.

"Because if and when we marry, I want to trust you completely and for our love to last forever."

"It will.I promise."

"I'm hurting too.Please be patient, I'm almost there."

"As long as it takes."

After she closed up shop, she changed into jeans and a hooded jacket and walked down to the park.Standing there drinking a hot chocolate she watched the skaters whiz around on the ice, remembering the day she and Jason had done the same.They'd promised to do it more often, but that never happened.Not his fault, not hers.

Was that the way her life was supposed to be?Happiness so close she could feel it, see it, yet it always escaped her grasp.She tossed her Styrofoam cup in a bin and started the trek home.There was happiness all around her—it did exist.Were her expectations too high?

She put her thoughts on hold and walked quickly.She had two chapters in her book to write and she was eager to get home and tackle it right now.Someone had to get their happy-ever-after.This plot had taken a few curves she hadn't seen coming, but she believed it to be one of her best.The passion, the excitement, the black moment had been sparkling.She hoped her agent and readers would feel the same.

Dropping her coat on the bed she didn't waste a second to fire up her laptop and put the curser on Chapter Thirty-One.The second to last scene.Her sexy French hero, Antoine, was here for a two month training course at one of New York's largest brokerage firms.He was being groomed to become the firm's next senior advisor.

The heroine was of course stunning, smart, and worked at the firm training the overseas executives the ins and outs of doing business the American way.Maria was thirty-five, never married, but knew the business better than anyone.Her father had been CEO for an American branch for thirty years before he died from a heart attack.As she was an only child, he'd taught her everything she'd need to run the business.

The dashing Antoine was booked on a flight to Paris later that week, and they'd talked about her coming with him.The day before the flight a gorgeous young model type came into headquarters and was directed to her office.The woman who introduced herself as Antoine's wife sat in the waiting room until the training session was over.Seeing the woman, Maria stopped short.Her secretary took her aside and gave her an update just before Antoine walked in.

Maria was not American born.She was from Buenos Aries, the largest city in Argentina that buzzed with excitement night and day.Her mother had been a famous Tango dancer, known throughout the country.As she began to age, this proud and honored dancer was reduced to teaching younger women instead of performing.

The family, on her mother's demands, moved to America when she was only ten.A strong, independent woman, she'd been a force of nature, living life on her own terms.

Maria, much like her mother, would not be demeaned by anyone.Along with her mother's beauty and long legs, she’d inherited her temper.

The moment Antoine entered the room behind her, she picked up a vase filled with lilacs and threw it at his head.Her screaming and name-calling could be heard all the way down the hall.Poor Antoine grabbed his wife and hustled out.

Stephanie laughed rereading that scene, adding more heat to the situation.Now she only had the happy ending to write.

Fingers tapping the keyboard, she let her mind lead her.

A co-worker took Maria out for a drink following this loud and shocking scene.It was not the first time they'd heard her in full blown rage, now they tiptoed around her like frightened mice.Not six-foot-three Juan Courta, a former soccer player.Over drinks they laughed and talked, relating stories from their country.When Juan had one too many, he told her that he'd had a major crush on her forever.As a man from Brazil, they would dance in the moonlight forever.

Stephanie didn't expect her own happy ending would be that easy, but she wouldn't be throwing any vases at Jason's head either.

A half hour later she wroteThe End.Two of the loveliest words known to writers everywhere.She sat for a moment glowing in the aftermath, then went to the small refrigerator and opened a bottle of champagne that she had waiting.

The sound of thePOPalmost made her miss the pounding at the door.

She never opened the door unless she knew who was on the other side.She peeked through the hole, her heart pounding for no particular reason.

She was not expecting Jason, he'd promised not to pressure her.This would be a violation of that oath.

"It's Carl.What was that noise?Are you all right?"

"Yes,” she said through the door.“It was champagne exploding.Why are you here?"

"Please open up.I want to talk to you about something personal."

"Just wait until I pour my champagne.Back in a minute."

She poured it slowly so it wouldn't overflow.She had a pretty darn good idea what he wanted to talk about, and she wasn't in any hurry to hear it.Old news should be trashed.

She turned the click on the door and released the chain.
