Page 38 of A Change Of Heart

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Chapter Ten

Jason lifted Stephanie in his arms, her boots inches from the snow, and leaned against the rear of the car, holding her tight to keep her warm.Two medics brought a collapsible lightweight gurney down the snow-covered hill.By then, Steph was awake and struggling to be released but he wasn't letting her go until he knew she was safe.Plus, he liked her exactly where she was.

"Stop wiggling," he whispered, his mouth against her cheek.

"What happened?"She twisted in his arms and put her cold hands on his face."Did I faint?"

"Seems you did,” Jason said.He wanted to run a battery of tests to make sure she didn't have internal injuries.“You feel drowsy, headache, nausea?"

"I'm a little tired and bruised.That's all."

"Well, the medics are here and I'm going to let them take you now."

She buried her head against his shoulder.

He put his chin up to nod at the medics."Steph, honey, they’re going to put you on a stretcher and carry you up the side of the hill."To humor her he said, "Two good-looking guys too."

"Will you be with me?"Steph reached for him as the medics stepped in.

"Of course.I'll be in the back of the ambulance with you."He gestured to Phil."Should you be checked out?"

"Naw.I'm all right.Better get back to my rig.It's gotta be blocking traffic up there."

"That's why it took us so long," one of the EMTs said."We had to park down the road.You gotta make room for traffic to get around your rig."

Phil tucked his handkerchief in his jacket pocket.

"You might need to wait in the truck," the other medic suggested."The police will want a statement from you, and your insurance info."

"I know the drill."Phil took a few steps and stopped to look back."You two take care of yourselves, okay?You must have a guardian angel looking over you."

While the medics were strapping Stephanie on the gurney, Jason retrieved his wallet and the paperwork on his BMW, picked up her purse, then trudged along behind them.He checked his messages and made a call to his hospital."Had an accident," he told the nurse on staff. Her name was Mabel Crane, heavy-set dark-skinned woman with a big smile for everyone.

"Car's wrecked, but we're fine.The ambulance has arrived.We'll be going to St.Pete's to be checked out.I'm okay.My friend hit her head, so they need to check for concussion and internal injuries."

"Friend?"Mabel laughed softly."Didn't know you had any."

"Don't let the word get around, will you?It'll spoil my reputation."

"Mum's the word.You be back to work soon?We'll miss that handsome mug of yours."

"Probably tomorrow.You know me—wild horses can't keep me away."He forced a lightness in his voice that he didn't feel.What if something had happened to Stephanie?The thought made his stomach lurch, his heart squeezed tight.He'd lived all these years without her and didn't want to waste one more day.

She just might be that one special person he’d prioritize over work.Near death experiences tended to crystallize things.He’d almost let her scare him off, but no more.

"Why you not coming here?"Mabel asked.

"Close enough.Don't want everybody peeping in on me."

"Got it.You take care of yourself,” Mabel demanded.“You hear?"

"I will.If I need another day, I'll let you know personally."Jason clicked off, put his phone in his pocket and climbed into the back of the ambulance, choosing a seat next to the butterfly/turned dragonfly.Time and tragedy had given Steph strength, beauty, and courage.

"Did you let your hospital know?"Steph asked drowsily.

"I did.Rest now."Jason held her hand and gave it a squeeze as she closed her eyes.He thought back to the conversation with Mabel.The staff was a good bunch of people, but she was one of his favorites and would keep this to herself.

On arrival at the ER, Stephanie was wheeled away, and he had to wait while they did their tests.They'd wanted him to be looked over as well, but when he told them he was a doctor and fine, they let him be.

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